2022 archive

The Willshire Canning Company

Willshire had a canning company in the early 1900s, appropriately named The Willshire Canning Company, and my great-grandfather Louis J. Schumm was a shareholder.

Tombstone Tuesday-Tombstone Shapes

Today, more examples of tombstones with a symbolic shape.

Mercer County Courthouse Tour

The past couple years there have been several historic anniversaries in our area. Next year the Mercer County Courthouse will celebrate its 100th anniversary.

Tombstone Tuesday-Tombstone Shapes

Sometimes the entire tombstone is a symbolic shape.

Summer 2022 Photos

Warning. This post is not genealogy related. It certainly looks and feels like fall. Where did the summer go? It was a good summer. We kept busy working in the yard, nurtured our pollinator garden, and spent few days in Amish country.  Here are some of my photos from Summer 2022.