I hope you find these old newspaper articles as interesting as I do. Here are some more local items of interest from the 1910 Celina Democrat.
We all know that there is no place like Chatt and the surrounding area. The George Adams family thought the same thing in 1910.

Celina Democrat, 25 Nov 1910
Words matter. Adjectives matter. This year Joe and I celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary but I don’t think of us as an Aged Couple.

Celina Democrat, 12 Aug 1910
An accident involving a buggy and an automobile, in the days before auto insurance.

Celina Democrat, 29 Jul 1910
Sealscott and Groth purchase the grocery and huckster business at Hinton. The Hinton business, which included a post office at one time, was located at the intersection of Oregon and Erastus Durbin roads. John H. Laudhan was the postmaster there until 1905, after which time the mail was sent to Celina.

Celina Democrat, 2 Dec 1910
Occasionally The Celina Democrat included some Willshire news.

Celina Democrat, 30 Sep 1910
It appears less red tape was required for adoptions in 1910. Just a casual notice in a newspaper. You wonder what happened to all those children.

Celina Democrat, 12 Aug 1910
Another disturbance at a church. Was this a common occurrence?

Celina Democrat, 4 Nov 1910
The next article may seem to be unrelated to Chatt, but there is a connection. Margaret “Maggie” Shepherd ran a millinery store in Celina for many years, until her death on 16 March 1910. About 40 years earlier, Sarah Sitterley, from east of Chatt, purchased a bonnet with a green ribbon from Maggie Shepherd’s store for Mary Arabella Secaur. That green ribbon was found tied on the bridle of Alexander Mcleod’s horse after Mary Secaur’s murder. Maggie testified about the bonnet and ribbon at the murder trial.

Celina Democrat, 16 Sep 1910
Karen, love to read these articles. Keep them coming.
Thanks, Gloria! Glad you enjoy the articles and I do plan to publish more. Great to hear from you.