The descendants of the John George Schumm family in America have an important anniversary this year, 100 years since the first Schumm Reunion. The biennial reunion is held in August at Zion Lutheran Church in Schumm, Ohio. The earliest reunions were held on the Schumm homestead farm, just west of the church.
The first Schumm reunion was held 10 August 1924 at the Henry G. and Walter E. Schumm farm.
I will write about the Schumm reunions and the Schumm family several times during this anniversary year. Today, a news article about the first Schumm reunion, printed in the 14 August 1924 edition of The Willshire Herald:
Schumm Family Reunion Brings Many Together
The first annual re-union of the Schumm family, held at the home of Henry G. and Walter E. Schumm, near Schumm church, Sunday, was a magnificent success from every point of view, including ideal weather conditions. Members of the family bearing that name came from far and near to participate in the event, representatives being in attendance from Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, and as far west as California. Between four hundred and five hundred Schumm kin were present, and many old ties were re-newed and new ones made, which will be reflected in future gatherings of the direct descendants of John George Schumm, who came to this country from Germany in 1832, settling first in Philadelphia, Pa., coming to Holmes County, O, several years later, and to Van Wert County in 1837, at which time he made entry on a section of land. Direct descendants of the founder of this branch of the Schumm family are said to number 850, perhaps, a greater number.
The real opening of the re-union took place at the noon hour, at which time a bounteous picnic dinner was served at long tables in the yard, places being provided for every one of the assembled guests.
Following the dinner a fine literary and musical program was presented, the participants being presented to the audience by Rev. Otto Schumm of Centerville, Mich., who officiated in the capacity of chairman of the re-union. The program opened with a musical selection, The Appollo March, by Zion orchestra; welcome address, Rev. Otto Schumm; vocal solo, “Call Me Back, Pal O’ Mine,“ Mrs. Estella Gunsett; reading of family history, Rev. Paul Schumm; piano solo, “Thine Own,” Miss Alma Buechner; humorous recitation, Hugo Schumm; vocal solo, “The Kookuck Clock,” Mrs. Estella Gunsett; prayer and benediction, Rev. R.O. Bienert, the program concluding with the singing of “God Be with You Till We Meet Again.”
Officers elected for ensuing term were: H.G. Schumm, president; C.A. Schumm, vice president; F.G. Roehm, secretary; Oscar Lankenmann [sic; Lankenau], treasurer. The officers elected were give [sic] authority to select committees necessary to carry on the work of the re-union association and to perfect plans for the holding of future re-unions, it not being decided at this year’s gathering whether to have a re-union annually or every two years, owing to the fact that the relationship is scattered throughout the United States.
During the giving of the program a collection of missions was taken up, amounting to $70.
Here is another photo that I believe was taken at that first Schumm reunion.
Note the brass quartet at the front.
It is unknown what songs the brass ensemble may have played, but some popular secular songs of that time were Rhapsody in Blue; It Had to Be You; California, Here I Come; Somebody Stole My Gal; Linger Awhile; I Wonder What’s Become of Sally; Keep My Skillet Good & Greasy; and Charleston.
I can just hear the little brass ensemble playing California, Here I Come.
I hope to see many of my Schumm relatives at this historic reunion on 4 August this year.
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Is the reunion location house still in existence?
The house is still there but the reunion was centered around the barn and barnyard. The barn was taken down several years ago. The reunion is now held at on the church grounds. They have a large shelter-house there, open-sided, but under a roof.
Sure were a lot of Shumms. Enjoy your posts. We are still hanging in there. Thinking of moving in with Mike and Ana but not quite ready yet.
There sure are a lot of Schumms. I maintain their genealogy database they number in the thousands. Great to hear from you.