Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Do you speak German?
In 1910, who spoke German as their main language in Black Creek and Liberty Townships, Mercer County, Ohio?
Why 1910? The 1910 census has a specific question, column 17, “Whether able to speak English; or, if not, give language spoken.”
Enumerators were given these instructions in 1910 for the language question in Column 17: This question applies to all persons 10 years of age and over. If such a person is able to speak English, write English. If he is not able to speak English—and in such cases only—write the name of the language which he does speak, as French, German, Italian. If he speaks more than one language, but does not speak English, write the name of that language which is his native language or mother tongue. For persons under 10 years of age, leave the column blank. [1]
My great-grandfather Jacob Miller Sr. (1843-1918) immigrated to the United States in 1871 and settled in Black Creek Township, Mercer County. Our family history says that he never learned to speak English. The story goes that his son-in-law Howard Caffee, who did not speak German, had a difficult time communicating with him.
German was always the primary language of Jacob Miller and his wife Christena (Rueck) (1858-1945), who was also an immigrant. They probably didn’t feel the need to learn to speak English. They lived in a community with quite a few other German families. Jacob and Christena attended church at Zion Chatt. Zion had a German minister and services were held in German in 1910. Zion’s first English service was around 1911, but German services were still provided into the 1920s.
My dad and his sister Ruth, growing up in the 1920s and 30s, picked up a little German from their grandmother Christena, because she spoke German at home.
Jacob and Christena Miller probably didn’t feel the need to learn English living in the Chatt area.
So, I wondered how many others in that area spoke German in 1910.
Apparently not very many in Black Creek Township, according to the 1910 census.
In Black Creek Township, there was only one person who reported that they did not speak English, per the 1910 census.
That one person was Sophia Schulz, 67, widow, born in Germany, immigrated in 1894. Sophia lived in the Marie Brandt household. And Sophia spoke German.
Surely there were more people in Black Creek Township who spoke German. Like my great-grandparents? Why didn’t they report that they spoke German?
Perhaps I misunderstood the question. Maybe English was recorded as their language if a person spoke even just a teeny bit of English.
Was there a misunderstanding when asking the question or getting an answer to that question? Was there a communication problem between the census taker and the individual answering questions in that largely German community? Perhaps people were afraid to admit that they spoke German.
Who knows?
Then I looked at Liberty Township, Mercer County, and saw that there were many more people who spoke German there. I suspect the reason is how the census enumerator interpreted question no.17.
It is also interesting to note that not all who spoke German were immigrants. In many cases, all family members, including the parents, were born in Ohio, but still spoke German. And some immigrants who had been in the United States for decades still spoke German.
Those who spoke German in Liberty Township, Mercer County. It’s a long list:
Sophie Meyer, 70, married, mother-in-law, in John Sudhoff household on Mud Pike.
John Hatert, 65, wife Anna, 51, and children Henry, Joe, Clara, and Edward. All born in Ohio and lived on Mud Pike. [Hatert indexed as Hubert on Ancestry.com]
George VonStein, 48, born in Kentucky, his wife Leana, 45, born in Ohio, and their children, Carl, Frieda, Arthur, Ernest, Cristina, George, John, Edna, and Walter, born in Ohio, lived on Mud Pike.
Catharine Weigel, 64, widow, born in Germany, immigrated in 1858.
Catharine Turckes, 42, born in Ohio, wife of Joseph.
Mathias Schritz, 62, and wife Anna, 40, both born in Luxembourg, immigrated in 1880 and 1881 respectively.
John Everling, 74, and wife Mary, 70, both born in Luxembourg, immigrated in 1881.
Gardner Vunwell/Vundwell [?], 58, single, step-mother Anna Vunwell, 79, widow, both born in Germany, immigrated in 1865.
Richard Schmidt, 68, and his children David, 45, and Amelia, 27, all born in Ohio.
Peter Bauer, 44, wife Catharine, 44, children Adolf, Otto, and Nora, brother William Bauer, 50. The adults were born in Germany, the children in Ohio. Peter and Catharine immigrated in 1850 and 1865 respectively.
Fred Bauer, 37, and his wife Mary, 30, both born in Ohio.
William Dickie, 47, wife Augustie, 41, children Edward, Viola, and Otto. Augustie emigrated from Germany in 1873, the others were born in Ohio.
Margaret Bader, 62, widow, born in Germany, immigrated in 1883.
Henry Klopfleisch, 63, wife Annie, 57, children Bertha and Gust. The parents emigrated from Germany in 1867 and 1860 respectively, the children born in Ohio.
Andy Bauer, 42, and his wife Mary, 39, both born in Ohio.
Lizzie Bauer, 35, widow head, born in Ohio.
Margaret Kable, 65, widow, born in Ohio.
John Bauer, 76, wife Susanna, 72, both emigrated from Germany in 1862 and 1848, respectively.
Nichol Peters, 76, and wife Catherine, 64, both emigrated from Germany in 1850 and 1856 respectively.
Peter Alt, 56, wife Hermina, 53, son William, and Elizabeth Alt, 64 [sic], mother, widow. The adults were born in Germany, immigrated in 1877, and William was born in Ohio.
John Schaadt, 36, and wife Katie, 28, both born in Ohio.
William Schaadt, 34, and wife Annie, 34, both born in Ohio.
Ludwig Alt, 52, married, born in Germany, immigrated in 1877.
Mary Schaadt, 59, widow, son Adam Schaadt, both born in Ohio.
Henry Linn, 37, born in Germany, immigrated in 1875, and wife Maggie, 31, born in Ohio.
Peter Brehm, 51, wife Sofa, 46, both born in Ohio.
Catharine Koch, 79, head, widow, emigrated from Germany in 1834, and son John Koch, Ohio.
The John Deiner family, John Deiner, 43, wife Sofa, 43, and children John, Urban, and Millie. All were born in Ohio.
Helmut Kaufman, 48, wife Annie, 29, both emigrated from Germany in 1883 and 1885 respectively, their daughters, Elsie and Hilda, born in New York.
Rosie Schaadt, 31, emigrated from Germany in 1885, wife of William; their son Oscar, William’s brothers George Schaadt, 28, Dee Schaadt, 21, and niece Lizzie Emrich, 15, Ohio.
Louisa Fender, 72, widow, born in Germany.
Jacob Haas, 39, born in Germany, wife Phebe, 38, born in Ohio.
Jacob Wendel, 61, wife Pheaba, 62, both emigrated from Germany in 1861.
John Fahncke, 50, wife Louisa, 40, children Henry, Annie, Emma, Otto, Hugo. John and Louisa immigrated in 1872 and 1874 respectively, the children were born in Ohio.
Valentine Brehm, 49, wife Sofia, 42, son Philip Brehm, 23; Fred Linn, 24, son-in-law, and Annie Linn, 21, daughter, all born in Ohio.
Valentine Deitsch, 30, wife Caroline, 27, both born in Ohio.
Peter Fickert, 75, wife Phillippina, 70, sons Lewis and Otto, all emigrated from Germany in 1885.
David Schaadt, 36, wife Ida, 31, both born in Ohio.
Henry Bollenbacher, 42, children Eda and Edwin, all born in Ohio.
George Berron, 49, emigrated from Germany in 1873, wife Mary, 49, Ohio.
Jacob Linn Jr, 72, wife Catharine, 72, both emigrated from Germany in 1872.
Louis C. Bollenbacher, 50, wife Mary, 46, children Rufus, Eda, Meala, Annie, all born in Ohio.
Nicholas Lenhart, 71, widow, emigrated from Germany in 1860.
Mike Linn, 26, wife Arnela, 23, both born in Ohio.
Philip Linn, 69, wife Margaret, 62, both emigrated from Germany in 1872.
Jacob Bollenbacher, 53, emigrated in 1865, wife Louise, 48, daughter Lizzie, both born in Ohio.
Jacob Garman, 34, single, emigrated in 1885.
George Bollenbacher, 78, emigrated in 1842, wife Barbara, 74, born in Ohio.
Jacob Bollenbacher, 72, emigrated in 1852, wife Magdalena, 53, children Jacob D, Hulda, Daniel F, Laura M, the rest of the family born in Ohio.
John C Bollenbacher, 44, wife Phoebe, 42, children Hugo, Theodore, Meala, all born in Ohio.
Catharine Kable, 72, widow, mother [of John Kable], emigrated in 1862.
Elizabeth Gertz, 63, widow, emigrated in 1871.
Anton Alexander, 50, Ohio, widow, children Fred and Mary, Indiana.
John C Brehm, 55, wife Margaret, 53, children Mary, Annie, Fred, Carl. All born in Ohio except Margaret, who emigrated in 1873.
Jacob Weisman, 69, wife Elizabeth, 65, both emigrated in 1883.
John C Bollenbacher, 37, wife Effie, 33, both born in Ohio, mother-in-law Dora Strabel, 84, widow, emigrated in 1848.
Frederick Weitz, 63, wife Christina, 60, both emigrated in 1870.
Andy Bollenbacher, 41, wife Katie, 39, children Elmer, Roma, Loree, Henry. Katie emigrated in 1837, the rest born in Ohio.
George Bollenbacher, 46, wife Caroline, 44, both born in Ohio.
John Hinger, 69, emigrated in 1882, wife Dora, 52, Ohio.
George Weinman, 49, wife Minnie, 39, emigrated in 1873 and 1882 respectively.
Catharine Deitsch, 74, widow, emigrated in 1883.
John Koch, 34, wife Elizabeth, 30, both born in Ohio.
Charles Bollenbacher, 38, wife Mary, 35, daughter Alvina, all born in Ohio.
John Fickert, 40, emigrated in 1875, wife Caroline, 35, Ohio.
George F Koch, 31, wife Hulda, 27, both born in Ohio.
Martin Pelinkey, 70, wife Jennie, 68, children John, Lena Jacob. Parents and John emigrated in 1872, the rest born in Ohio.
Annie Robin, 70, widow, emigrated in 1870.
Samuel Egger, 53, wife Mary, 52, children Frieda, Semen, Frank, Livina, Cornelius, all born in Ohio.
Caroline Baker, 67, widow, emigrated in 1853.
George Hass, 32, emigrated in 1894, wife Barbara, 30, Iowa, daughter Gertrude, Ohio.
John T Becher, 46, Ohio, wife Rettie, 47, emigrated in 1881, children Carl, Roman, Albert, born in Ohio.
Walter Fickert, 22, Ohio, wife Minnie, 18.
Fred Kuhn, 39, wife Marie, 38, both born in Ohio.
Caroline Huffman, 87, widow, emigrated in 1849.
Conrad Freewalt, 65, wife Dora, 64, emigrated in 1869 and 1871 respectively.
Jacob Linn, 44, wife Elizabeth, 37, emigrated in 1872 and 1887 respectively, children Otto, Lucy Caroline, Peter, all born in Ohio.
Jacob Allmandinger, 44, wife Louisa, 28, both born in Ohio.
Elizabeth Huffman, 76, widow, emigrated 1845, daughter Elizabeth Huffman, 52, Ohio.
Henry Regedanz, 61, emigrated 1853, wife Emma, 53, Ohio.
Fred Schott, 28, wife Minnie, 23, both born in Ohio.
Anton Koch, 62, Ohio, wife Margaret, 64, Germany.
Henry Baker, 32, wife Margaret, 30, both born in Ohio.
Charles Bollenbacher, 64, emigrated 1852, wife Catharine, 64, Ohio.
Ferdinand Kable, 82, wife Catharine, 77, emigrated 1849 and 1852 respectively, children Louisa and Catharine, born in Ohio.
Caroline Strable, 53, widow, sons Philip, Edward, all born in Ohio.
Jacob Baker, 33, wife Katie, 24, both born in Ohio.
Marie Becher, 73, widow, born in Pennsylvania.
William Becher, 38, wife Catharine, 32, daughter Marie, all born in Ohio.
What a difference in the reporting of the German-speakers between the two adjacent townships.
I suspect the enumerators interpreted question no.17 very differently in the two townships.
Or, who knows?
Maybe my great-grandparents could speak English better than we thought.
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Agree. This case just doesn't pass the smell test. Thanks for writing.
This case does indeed stink! Enjoyed your post and your jokes ;)
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