Category: Linn

Tombstone Tuesday-Hilda (Linn) Bollenbacher

This is the tombstone of Hilda (Linn) Bollenbacher, located in row 6 of St. Paul UCC Cemetery, Liberty Township, Mercer County, Ohio. The tombstone is inscribed…

Tombstone Tuesday-William P. & Alma I. (Brown) Linn

This is the tombstone of William P. and Alma I. (Brown) Linn, located in Ward 22, row 7, North Grove Cemetery, Celina, Ohio. The marker is inscribed…

Tombstone Tuesday-Henry & Margaret (Deitsch) Linn

This is the tombstone of Henry and Margaret (Deitsch) Linn, located in row 6 of St. Paul UCC Cemetery, Liberty Township, Mercer County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed…

Tombstone Tuesday-Urban P. Linn

This is the tombstone of Urban P. Linn, located in row 5 of St. Paul UCC Cemetery, Liberty Township, Mercer County, Ohio…

Tombstone Tuesday-Dolan & Donald Linn

This is the tombstone of twin brothers, Dolan and Donald Linn, located in Fountain Chapel Cemetery, Black Creek Township, Mercer County, Ohio.