Category: Tombstone

Tombstone Tuesday-Anna Weismann

This is the tombstone of Anna Weismann, located in row 1 of St. Paul CC Cemetery, Liberty Township, Mercer County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed:

Tombstone Tuesday-Hilda (Linn) Bollenbacher

This is the tombstone of Hilda (Linn) Bollenbacher, located in row 6 of St. Paul UCC Cemetery, Liberty Township, Mercer County, Ohio. The tombstone is inscribed…

Veterans Buried in Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm

A number of U.S. veterans, 30 at least, are buried in Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm…

Tombstone Tuesday-Wreaths Across America

The day after Veterans Day is a good day to mention Wreaths Across America, a non-profit organization that organizes volunteers who place wreaths on veterans’ tombstones on a specified day in December…

Tombstone Tuesday-Fall Trees

We were in the Archbold area a couple weeks ago, viewing the beautiful fall foliage, looking through a cemetery, and even driving through a covered bridge…