February 2021 archive

Jacob Bolenbaugher Will, 1843

Below is the 1843 will of Jacob Bolenbaugher, of Van Wert County, Ohio.

I am not sure who Jacob Bolenbaugher was or if the spelling of this surname eventually changed to Bolenbaugh or Bollenbacher.

Tombstone Tuesday-John Andrew Lillich

This is the tombstone of John Andrew Lillich, located in row 5 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm, Van Wert County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed:

Oct. 6, 1792
June 16
54 Y, 8 m, 10d

Old Chatt Bar Advertising Item

I have been doing one of the things I do best during the cold, snowy winter months–going through files, closets, and rooms, sorting, rearranging and purging. I find this a fun thing to do, if I am in the mood. As it turns out, I have certainly been in the mood for the last couple months.

Tombstone Tuesday-Hand Pointing Up Symbol

A very common tombstone symbol is a hand pointing upward, pointing toward heaven.

1911 Ditch Notice to Jacob Miller

The other day I ran across this interesting paper, a 1911 Ditch Notice for my great-grandfather Jacob Miller.
This Ditch Notice was sent to the property owners on the west part of Black Creek Township, Mercer County, Ohio, for the improvement of the ditch, which was obviously Duck Creek.