Karen’s Military Family

Revolutionary War

Christian Whiteman (1762-1827)
Private, Berks County 6th Battalion, Pennsylvania Militia

War of 1812

Nicholas Headington (1790-1856)
Maryland Militia

Civil War

Daniel Brewster (1845-1917)
Private, Co E, 80th OVI

James Henry Brewster (1841-1916)
Sergeant, Co E, 80th OVI

Hallet Bryan (1836-1863)
Private, Co E, 89th Regiment, Indiana Infantry
Killed in Memphis, Tennessee, buried in Memphis National Cemetery

Nimrod Headington (1827-1913)
Colonel, 34th Indiana Infantry

John Wesley Headington (1833-1911)
Colonel, 100th Indiana Regiment

Daniel Schumm (1840-1863)
Corporal, 52nd OVI
Killed during the Civil War
(First cousin 3 times removed)

John Schumm (1843-1864)
Corporal, Co. A, 60th OVI
Died while imprisoned at Salisbury, North Carolina
(First cousin 3 times removed)


Carl Schumm
Killed in France
(Second cousin 2 times removed)

John Fred Ruck, Jr.
US Army, 3rd Division
(First cousin twice removed)


Herbert M. Miller (1925-2012)
Private, 84th Division, 333rd Regiment, Co. L, The Railsplitters
Battle of the Bulge
2 Bronze Stars

Ralph J. Derickson Jr (1925-1945)
Private, 99th Infantry Division
Killed in action in Germany during the Battle of the Bulge
Buried in Luxembourg
(First cousin once removed)

Edgar F. Schumm (1914-1944)
Killed in action
(Third cousin once removed)

Victor Schueler (1924-1945)
Private First Class, 85th Mountain Reg., 10th Mountaineer Division
Killed in action
(Fourth cousin)

Korean War

Emanuel George Roehm (1931-1951)
Co. C, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division
Killed in Action
(Fourth cousin)

Viet Nam

Corey Wayne Ellenberger (1946-1967)
Private First Class, Rifleman, Co. L, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division
Killed in action in South Vietnam
(Second cousin)

Ronald L. Weitz
First Lieutenant, US Army
West Point
(First cousin)


    • Lorquet Michel on April 30, 2021 at 1:31 am
    • Reply

    Very Dear Karen,

    I have just send my mail and start to explore your website, fruit of a fabulous work…

    And I’m so sad to read all the names of your family members who have lost their life in so terrible wars…

    It let me with a big emotion…

    Thank for sharing all of that.


    Michel Lorquet (Belgium)

    1. Thank you for writing and connecting with our family again.

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