Years ago we used this small 1935 hymnal for our Sunday School opening service. The hymns are arranged by the church season and there are five hymns for saying goodbye to the old year and welcoming in the New Year–a season named Sylvester and New Year in this hymn book. I always wondered–just who was …
December 2016 archive
Dec 27
Tombstone Tuesday–Anna Lotter
This is the tombstone of Anna Lotter located in row 5 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Chattanooga, Mercer County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed: Hier ruhet Anna Lotter Gest. 26 Mar 1890 Alter 82 Jahr 7 Mo. U. 5 T “Here rests Anna Lotter, died 26 March 1890, age 82 years, 7 months, and 5 days.” …
Dec 23
Merry Christmas from Karen’s Chatt!
Merry Christmas from Karen’s Chatt! I love old postcards and below are a couple old Christmas post cards that were given to Wilbert Germann. The first is dated 1911 and the other two did not have a postmark. They were probably delivered in person about the same time. I am doing some last-minute Christmas decorating …
Dec 20
Tombstone Tuesday–Frederick & M. Louisa (Bollenbacher) Berron
This is the tombstone of Frederick and M. Louisa Berron, located in row 5 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Chattanooga, Mercer County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed: FATHER * MOTHER Frederick 1862-1915 Louisa 1870-1911 Gone but not forgotten BERRON Frederick Berron was in born Petersbach, Saxony, on 24 October 1862, the son of Georg and Katharina …
Dec 16
Christmas Memories–Simple Angel Figures
I have some angel figures that I set out every year at Christmastime. They are nothing fancy or spectacular, but they are special to me because they are from various events held years ago at Zion Chatt and they bring back memories of Christmases past. There are three ceramic angel figures from Zion Chatt’s Sunday …
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