January 2022 archive

Box Cars on Rail Road Track

Box Cars on Rail Road Track. That is the notation written on the side of the census sheet. The railroad box cars were on the tracks at Willshire and were the abode of 33 men in May of 1910. Willshire had a train depot years ago and these men were enumerated in the village, enumerated as residing in box cars on the railroad track.

Tombstone Tuesday-Mabel Hofmann

This is the tombstone of Mabel Hofmann, located in row 5 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm, Van Wert County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed:

Dau. of Theo. C. & Mollie
16 Aug 1920-21 Jan 1935
Lam. Jer. 3. 31-33

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes a picture is worth a few questions. Like, who are these two people in the little rowboat? Where was this? And why?

Tombstone Tuesday-Curtain Symbol

A curtain on a tombstone symbolizes the passage from one life to the next, the passage from one existence to another. Curtains conceal and block the view of something and they also provide protection.

Memories of Zion Chatt’s Choir

Today, an old photo of the choir at Zion Lutheran, Chatt, sometime between 1947-1960.