Tombstone Tuesday-Memorial Day 2024

Some local photos I took yesterday, reflecting on the meaning of Memorial Day and the sacrifices made by our servicemen and women.


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    • Deb Bollenbacher Reichard on May 28, 2024 at 8:37 am
    • Reply

    Thank you Karen for always sharing such meaningful posts. Hope you had a wonderful weekend. We need to get together and hear all about your latest trip.

    1. Thanks, Deb! We got back last week and had a wonderful trip. Would love to tell you guys about it. I am tied up with a big project right now, but should have more time in about a month. We will definitely plan to get together.

    • Jondreville on May 29, 2024 at 10:27 am
    • Reply

    Près de chez moi, à Mussey sur Marne, en 1993, à l’initiative de Jean Marie Chirol, une stèle a été érigée en hommage aux 6 aviateurs de l’escadrille 425 tués à Mussey sur Marne le 15 avril 1943, équipage du .
    Wellington X3763 KW-L
    F/O Joseph Omer Leopold Desroches
    F/O Alexander Theodore Doucette
    Sgt Albert Jones
    F/O Georges Paul Henri Ledoux
    W/O2 Pierre Paul Trudeau
    Sgt Derek Vollans
    Mais aussi pour perpétuer la mémoire des 112 aviateurs Alliés morts sur la terre Haute-Marnaise pendant 1942-1944.
    Vous pouvez trouvez plus de renseignements sur ce site :
    En ces temps difficiles, il convient de se souvenir de leurs sacrifices et de prendre conscience que la guerre n’apporte à tous que sang, ruines et larmes… Merci Karen pour cet émouvant article… Recevez mes meilleures amitiés

    1. Merci beaucoup pour cette information et pour le lien. J’ai été ému par les récentes cérémonies du jour J en France ces derniers jours. Il est important que nous nous souvenions et honorions ceux qui ont combattu pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et j’ai été heureux de voir que votre pays n’a pas oublié. Merci d’avoir écrit. [Translation]: Thank you very much for that information and for the link. I was moved by the recent D-Day ceremonies in France over the past few days. It is important that we remember and honor those that fought and died in WWII and I was glad to see that your country hasn’t forgotten. Thank you for writing. [Translation of original comment]: Near my home, in Mussey sur Marne, in 1993, on the initiative of Jean Marie Chirol, a stele was erected in homage to the 6 airmen of the 425 squadron killed at Mussey sur Marne on April 15, 1943, crew of the Wellington X3763 KW-L F/O Joseph Omer Léopold Desroches F/O Alexander Theodore Doucette Sgt Albert Jones F/O Georges Paul Henri Ledoux W/O2 Pierre Paul Trudeau Sgt Derek Vollans. But also to perpetuate the memory of the 112 Allied airmen who died on the land of Haute-Marne during 1942-1944. You can find more information on this site: In these difficult times, it is appropriate to remember their sacrifices and to realize that war brings nothing but blood, ruin and tears to all… Thank you Karen for this moving article… Receive my best regards.

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