Nicholas Headington is one of the most popular search terms that brings visitors here to Karen’s Chatt. Nicholas Headington is my fifth greatgrandfather and evidently quite a few researchers are looking for information about him and his family. I will share what I know about him and hope the information will be helpful to other …
September 2012 archive
Sep 25
Tombstone Tuesday–Nicholas Headington
This is the tombstone of Nicholas Headington, located in Liber Cemetery, Wayne Township, Jay County, Indiana. The marker is inscribed Nicholas Headington Died Feb. 6, 1856, Aged 65 ys, 9 mos, 8 ds. At the foot of the grave is a second marker, a military marker inscribed N. Headington, Gorsuch’s Co, 2 MD. Mil.,War 1812. …
Sep 21
What’s Back There?
Sometimes what you see in the background of a photo is more interesting and informative than what you see in the foreground. You may see the location of items that are no longer standing or things that have been moved. You can see what homes and yards and other buildings looked like years ago. You …
Sep 18
Tombstone Tuesday-Fredrick Betzel
This is the tombstone of Fredrick Betzel, located in Ward 2, row 8 of North Grove Cemetery, Jefferson Township, Mercer County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed: BETZEL, Fredrick Betzel, Died Dec. 9, 1900, Aged 76 Y, 10 M, 21 D. Obituary: Dies At A Ripe Old Age Mr. Fredrick Betzel died Sunday afternoon in his …
Sep 14
Five Tips for Safely Reading and Photographing Tombstones
Cemeteries are some of my favorite places to visit. It doesn’t make any difference if I have family buried in a particular cemetery or whose tombstone I am looking at, I enjoy looking at and photographing tombstones. I have been photographing tombstones for some time now and have hundreds of tombstone photographs. Some of those …
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