I have been doing one of the things I do best during the cold, snowy winter months–going through rooms, closets, and files, sorting, rearranging and purging. I find this a fun thing to do, if I am in the mood. As it turns out, I have certainly been in the mood to do this for the last couple months.
In the rooms and closets I purge and get rid of items I no longer use or like and take them to Goodwill.
Going through files and family mementos is a different story. That takes much longer, doing less purging and more rearranging. The best thing about doing this is rediscovering things I forgot I had or that I did not know I had. I am still seeing some things for the first time.
Here is an item that I nearly threw out because I thought it was just an old document holder. Good thing I opened it up to see what was written inside.

Document holder from Chatt Home Restaurant, compliments of Raymond Hemmelgarn.

Document holder from Chatt Home Restaurant.
Raymond “Ray” Hemmelgarn ran the Home Restaurant, aka Chatt Bar and Restaurant, when I was growing up. I imagine that he gave this nice document pouch as an advertising gift to either my dad or my Grandpa Miller. Perhaps Ray gave them out at Christimas. Who didn’t enjoy receiving a free gift?

Document holder from Chatt Home Restaurant.
I looked, but there was no money or valuable stock certificates hidden inside the pockets.
What a nice piece of Chattanooga history.
Very good condition too! Hubby inherited a WWII bond wallet (featuring General MacArthur) with advertising imprint that was given to my dad-in-law. Nobody in family was interested so we donated it to the MacArthur Memorial Museum, which had nothing quite like it. A nice piece of history saved.
Thank you for sharing your interesting story. That was probably the time period they were popular as an advertising give-away. I didn’t know what to call it and I like your term bond wallet, which is probably what it is. Thanks for writing!