Rufnamen: Given name or German name; a person’s main given name by which they are usually known and called.
Category: Breuninger
Dec 06
1877 Letter to Louis Breuninger from Niece Sarah Kitchen
This past summer this old letter was found among some other old Schumm-related items.
Dated January 1877, it is a very sad letter from Sarah Kitchen in Green Bay, Wisconsin, to her uncle Louis Breuninger in Willshire, Ohio. Louis Breuninger was my great-great-grandfather, my grandfather Cornelius Schumm’s maternal grandfather.
Nov 30
It is hunting season and we hear and see the hunters around here. We are not hunters. We have nothing against hunting. We just do not hunt, except for occasionally getting rid of a destructive, pesky varmint such as a groundhog or muskrat. Actually, I don’t know if bagging them is even considered hunting, but …
Jul 28
Sarah (Breuninger) Schumm’s German-American Cookbook, 1892
While looking through some of those old German books that once belonged to my Schumm ancestors I found a very old cookbook that belonged to my great-grandmother Sarah (Breuninger) Schumm (1861-1921). She was the wife of Louis Schumm and mother of my grandfather Cornelius Schumm. This book is titled Das Deutsch-Amerikanische Kochbuch, Illustrirt, (The German-American …