Tag: Bollenbacher

The Albright & Ehrman Orphans

Last week I wrote about the Albrights and the Ehrmans, two German immigrant families who had tragic family losses. The parents of both families died within a few years of settling in the Willshire and Chattanooga areas, leaving behind underage children.

Life Was Hard in the 1850s-The Ehrmans, Albrights & Bollenbachers

Life was very hard in the 1850s. This is the story of the Ehrmans and the Albrights, two families who emigrated from Germany and settled near Willshire and Chattanooga.

Tombstone Tuesday-Carl P. Bollenbacher

This is the tombstone of Carl P. Bollenbacher, located in row 3 of St. Paul’s County Church Cemetery, formerly known as St. Paul’s UCC Cemetery, Liberty Township, Mercer County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed:

Died May 8, 1906
Age 15y, 3m, 2d

Two More 1896 Chatt-area Affidavits

I recently wrote about young John F. Bahn, the ward of Henry Trisel, who lived near Chattanooga, Ohio, in the late 1800s. Young John Bahn (1865-1876) was the son of Henry’s wife Elizabeth (Feldman) Trisel and her first husband Johann Bahn.

Zion Chatt’s Quartet

Here is a photo of a very handsome group, known years ago as Zion’s Quartet. In the photo, left to right are Howard Caffee, Stubby Bollenbacher, Rev. Carl Yahl, Paul McGough, and Paul’s twin sister Pauline (McGough) DeArmond. Pauline was the pianist for the quartet. Rev. Yahl was Zion Chatt’s minister from 1931-1942, so the …

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