The year was 1972 and there was a big fire in the little village of Schumm, Ohio. Recently I wrote a couple blog posts about the Willshire Grain & Supply elevators that were located in Willshire, Wren, and Schumm for several decades, from the1940s to the early 1980s. My mom worked as a bookkeeper at …
Tag: Willshire Grain & Supply
Sep 22
Old Advertising Items from Willshire Grain & Supply
Last week I wrote about Willshire Grain & Supply, where my mom worked as their bookkeeper for 33 years. The three local grain elevators were owned by Tom Burk and were located in Willshire, Schumm, and Wren, Ohio. As was the practice of many businesses, Willshire Grain & Supply gave away advertising items, especially at …
Sep 15
Willshire Grain & Supply
When harvest time comes around I always remember how busy my mom, Florence (Schumm) Miller, was during the fall harvest as Willshire Grain & Supply’s bookkeeper. She often put in extra hours during what was probably the busiest time of the year for both her and the farmers. Anyone who knew my mother remembers that …