Tag: Schumm General Store

Safe Keeping

The village of Schumm, Ohio, once had a general store, located in a 2-story brick building by the railroad tracks. Store owner, Gus Schumm, had a safe in that store…

M.J. Schumm, General Store at Schumm, Ohio, 1883

This is a lovely little advertising card, dated 1883, advertising Green’s August Flower for dyspepsia and liver complaint and Boschee’s German Syrup for other various ailments. This card indicates that they were for sale by M.J. Schumm, General Store, Schumm, Ohio.

Wolfe & Schumm, Schumm, Ohio

Here is an old wooden box that I recently acquired, likely a mailing box destined for Wolfe & Schumm, Schumm, Ohio. If that was the actual shipping information I have to wonder how the box ever got to its intended destination, the little village of Schumm. Just who was Wolfe & Schumm? I had to …

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