This is a lovely little advertising card, dated 1883, advertising Green’s August Flower for dyspepsia and liver complaint and Boschee’s German Syrup for other various ailments. An 1883 calendar is on the reverse side.

1883 advertising card, Schumm General Store.
I have seen a number of these cards and what makes each unique is that printed inside is where one could purchase the medicines.
This card indicates that they were for sale by M.J. Schumm, General Store, Schumm, Ohio.

1883 advertising card, M.J. Schumm, General Store.
M.J. Schumm was very likely Martin J Schumm. Martin J Schumm was appointed Schumm’s first postmaster on 31 December 1881. Back then it was common to have a post office located in a general store, so Martin J Schumm was both postmaster and general store merchant. The general store at Schumm was located by the railroad tracks.

Schumm’s first postmaster, Martin J. Schumm (1881). [1]
Martin J Schumm (1859-1909), born near Schumm, Ohio, was the son of George Martin (1812-1871) and Maria (Pflueger) (1820-1903) Schumm. Both parents were German immigrants. In 1882 Martin married Elizabeth “Lizzie” Ehrenmann (1860-1893). Lizzie died during childbirth in 1893 and by 1900 Martin and his three children were living in Brooklyn, New York, where Martin worked as a clerk/printer. Martin died in 1909 and both he and his wife are buried in Zion Lutheran Cemetery at Schumm.
Unfortunately, I could not locate Martin Schumm in the 1880 census. However, he was in the area in 1882, when he was married at Zion Schumm. Plus, their three children were born near Schumm between 1883-1888 and his wife Lizzie died near Schumm in 1893. So, he definitely lived in the area in 1883.
Imprinted on the advertising card:
Has the largest sale of any medicine in the world, for the cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Severe Colds settled in the chest, Pneumonia and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. There is not probably, a druggist in the civilized world but will recommend it in preference to all others. Introduced in the U.S.A. in 1867, by distributing over 3,000,000 Sample Bottles free of charge. No medicine has ever met with such wonderful success and retained its popularity in every family where used, as Boschee’s German Syrup. Sample Bottles 10 cents. Regular size, 75 cents.
I wonder if this syrup is still around? It sounds like it could help treat Covid.
Since the introduction of GREEN’S AUGUST FLOWER, in 1867, for the use of Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Biliousness, with their discouraging effects, such as sour stomach, sick headache costiveness, palpitation of the heart, symptoms of paralysis, dizzy head, sleeplessness, &c., there has sprung into the market hundreds of remedies advertised for the same purposes; but they all fail to meet that certain success and praise that every druggist and dealer in medicines over the entire civilized world, give to GREEN’S AUGUST FLOWER. Ask your Druggist about it. Three doses will relieve any of the above complaints. Every bottle sold has been a permanent advertisement, until over 2,000,000 Bottles were sold last year. Sample Bottles, 10 cents. Positively sold by all dealers in medicines on the Globe.
G.G. Green, Sole Manufacturer,
Woodbury, N.J., U.S. S. And Toronto, Canada.
Another nice piece of Schumm history.
[1] U.S., Appointments of U.S. Postmasters, 1832-1971, Vol 38, c1873-91, p. 478-9; and U.S., Appointments of US Postmasters, 1832-1971, Vol 79, c1891-1930, p. 575-77; digital images by subscription, ( : accessed 17 September 2014), from NARA microfilm publication M841, roll 101.