This is the tombstone of Theobald and Caroline (Kable) Leininger, located in row 6 of St. Paul UCC Cemetery, Rockford, Mercer County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed:
Tag: Leininger
May 01
Roads Are Beautiful at Chattanooga, Ohio
It happens less often than once in a blue moon but a Chattanooga, Ohio, postcard was up for bid on Ebay last weekend. It must have been my lucky day because it was a Buy Now item and I was able to purchase it immediately. I could tell right away that the picture on the …
Aug 29
Day Books and Hucksters
The last couple weeks I have been writing about some old ledger books from Chattanooga’s general stores, from 1913-1923. The oldest ledger was from Merkle & Egger’s store and the other two ledgers were from Vining & Dull’s store. The books had been stored in the attic of the Glenn Miller home in Chatt for …
Apr 30
Tombstone Tuesday–Theo. M. and Carrie L. Leininger
This is the tombstone of Theo. M. and Carrie L. Leininger, located in row 5 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Chattanooga, Mercer County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed: LEININGER Carrie L. 1898-1988 Theo. M. 1895-1992 According to Zion Chatt’s records Carrie Louise Becher was born 23 February 1898 to Henry and Rosina (Schlenker) Becher. She was …