Local newspapers reported news about Chattanooga, Ohio, in the first half of the 20th century. The Willshire Herald printed a Chattanooga column during the 1930s and 40s and I recently discovered that The Rockford Press also had a frequent column about the Chattanooga residents, or as I like to call them, the Chattanoogians.
The newsy personal items below are from the 24 June 1927 edition of The Rockford Press. As you read these items from nearly 86 years ago you will notice some clues that show family relationships and genealogical information. This is just another reason newspaper research can be valuable for family history research.
I enjoy reading about the residents of the little village of Chattanooga back then and seeing some familiar names. I hope you will enjoy them, too.
- Leo Slusser took dinner Sunday at the Perry Gibbons home.
- [?] Slusser is doing some painting for Geo Koch.
- Mrs. Marcella Strable called on Miss Grace Huffman Tuesday evening.
- Miss Helen Fogel is doing the housework for her grandmother, Mrs. William Betzel.
- Mrs. Geo Koch and daughter Goldie called on Mrs. Wm. Weinman Tuesday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Heffner entertained company at their home Sunday.
- Mrs. Wm. Fogle and son Billy and daughter Nellie visited her mother Mrs. Wm. Betzel.
- Miss Mildred Bauer came home from Bowling Green Thursday but returned to school Monday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Roebuck and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Roebuck were Fort Wayne caller Friday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smith and daughters, Maxine, Joan, Glenna and Mrs. Wiseman motored to Angola Sunday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wendell and son Jimmy and daughter, Genevieve were business callers at Celina Tuesday.
- Don’t forget the children services program Sunday night, June 26, at the Zion Lutheran Church. Everybody welcome.
- Mr. and Mrs. John Regedanz and daughter, Mildred, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carr and son Robert were at Edgewater Sunday night.
- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rothhaar, Mr. and Mrs. James Duff were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Landfair and family.
- Sure was a nice rain we had Tuesday. Everyone is wearing a smile.
- Miss Verla Huffman visited her mother Wednesday. Miss Verla is working at Celina.
- Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Andrews and family were Mr. and Mrs. John Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baumgartner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bruff and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Pickering and family.
- Miss Evelyn Fetters called on Grace Huffman Saturday afternoon.
- Misses Glenndola Bebout and Neva Stetler went to Marion, Ind. to Bible School. They will remain there a week.
- Don’t forget the ball game Sunday, June 26th, Chattanooga vs. Maples, Ind. Everyone in in Chattanooga was seen wearing a smile this week. Why? Chattanooga won Sunday. Who lost? Geneva Grays.
- Mr. and Mrs. John Leistner and son Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wendel, Messrs. Walter and Gale Butcher, Dwight Raudenbush, Victor Schaadt, Misses Grace Huffman, Lucille Purdy, Lulla Affolder motored to Anderson, Ind. Sunday to a camp meeting. Quite a number from Willshire attended the meeting.
And last but not least, was the report of a grand birthday party was held for Mildred Regedanz:
A most enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Regedanz, Monday evening, June 20th at their home in Chattanooga, when a number of friends gathered there to remind Miss Mildred of her 16th birthday. Miss Mildred received many beautiful gifts including five large birthday cakes. “Ye Gods” what a surprise! Those present were as follows: Opal Bollenbacher, Helen Meyers, Mable Howell, Verla Huffman, Magdalene Albrecht, Lela Baumgartner, Clista Baker, Gertrude Baker, Arlene Baker, Helen Fogle, Golda Koch, Mildred Regedanz, Clara Schaadt, Genevieve Johnson, Grace Huffman, Ernest Bollenbacher, Leota Baker, Ralph Schott, Albert Bollenbacher, Ferdinand Bollenbacher, Daily Lehman, Wm. Rothhaar, Luther Heffner, Pete Heffner, Orval Gibbons, Leo Slusser, Luther Gibbons, Dewey Gibbons, Sie Schritz, Arthur Pefferberger, Ray Smith, Gale Butcher, Dorsie Grimm, Paul Weiman, Chester Grimm, Glenn Felver, Perry Felver, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyers, Perry Gibbons, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Grimm, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Felver, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr and their son Robert, Mrs. Wm. Heffner, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Johnson, and Mr. and Mrs. John Regedanz. The evening was spent in playing games. Miss Grace Huffman and Miss Goldie Koch furnished the music for the evening with everyone joining in on the chorus. Ha! A delicious luncheon was served consisting or sandwiches, angel food cake, ice cream and tea. All separated at a late hour reporting a good time and wishing Miss Mildred many more happy birthdays. [1]
[1] The Rockford Press, Rockford, Ohio, 24 June 1927, p. 10.
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“Sunday guests of Wm.Andrews” – the “Bruff” and family would have been Lew and Pheba Brough (not Bruff), although it was pronounced as “Bruff.” Pheba was related to the Andrews and Baumgardners. Lew and Pheba were our next door neighbors when we lived on Township Line road. Thanks for reminding me about our neighbors – they used to take Charlene fishing with them.
I wondered about that name. It was spelled Bruff in the newspaper article and I had never heard the name before. Thanks for the interesting information!
Was Geo Kock really called “Geo?” Or was that short for George?
The shortened, abbreviated version of the name George was probably written just for the paper. It would be similar to writing Wm for William or Jos for Joseph.
Lela Baumgartner, one of the recorded guests at the party, was my great-grandmother. Always nice to see her show up in things as she passed before I was born and I never had the privilege of meeting her!