This is the tombstone of Eda Elizabeth (Hoehamer) Shindeldecker, located in row 9 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Chattanooga, Mercer County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed: Eda E. Shindeldecker 1901-1932 Edie “Eda” Elizabeth Hoehamer was born in Blackcreek Township, Mercer County, Ohio, on 3 September 1901, the daughter of William and Margaret E. “Maggie” (Kallenberger) Hoehamer. …
Category: Hoehamer
Jan 09
Tombstone Tuesday–Caroll Hoehamer
This is the tombstone of Caroll Hoehamer, located in row 8 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Chattanooga, Mercer County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed: Caroll Hoehamer Dec. 6, 1935 Caroll Joan Hoehamer was the infant daughter of William Andreas Hoehamer Jr (1909-1978) and his wife Alice Luella (Deitsch) Hoehamer (1908-1997). Zion Chatt’s baptism records indicate that …
Nov 21
Tombstone Tuesday–George Pfeifer
This is the tombstone of George Pfeifer, located in row 9 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Chattanooga, Ohio. The marker is inscribed: Father George Pfeifer 1868-1945 George Pfeifer was born 8 September 1868 in Moulton, Auglaize County, Ohio, [1] the son of Christopher and Fredericka (Kneisel) Pfeifer. [2] [3] Although George’s marriage record indicates his mother’s …
Apr 25
Tombstone Tuesday–Infant Son of Wm. & M.E. Hoehamer
This is the tombstone of the infant son of William A. and Maggie E. (Kallenberger) Hoehamer, located in row 7 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Chattanooga, Mercer County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed: Infant Son of Wm. & M.E. Hoehamer Died Feb. 14, 1913 This tombstone is located in the children’s section of Zion’s Cemetery. This …
Aug 13
Tombstone Tuesday–Georg F. & Eva Barbara Hoehamer
This is the tombstone of Georg F. and Eva Barbara Hoehamer, located in Mount Hope Cemetery, Adams County, Indiana. The marker is inscribed HOEHAMER on the front. The south side is inscribed: Hier Ruhet Georg F. Hohamer Geb 4 April 1814 Gest 20 Feb 1886 Alter 71 Y, 10 M 16 T The north side …