This is the final installment of the transcriptions of Nimrod Headington’s 1852 journal, Trip to California. Today’s blog post begins in early July 1853. After panning for gold for nearly a year, Nimrod is ready to head back to Ohio. Nimrod’s story continues:
Category: California Gold Rush
Jul 10
Nimrod Headington Journal, 1852, part 21
This is the twenty-first in a series, the transcription of Nimrod Headington’s 1852 journal, Trip to California. Today’s blog post begins in February 1853, as Nimrod and his partners continue their search for gold. Nimrod has been panning for gold for seven months but has not struck it big yet. Nimrod’s story continues:
Jun 19
Nimrod Headington Journal, 1852, part 19
Today’s blog post is the nineteenth in a series, the transcription of Nimrod Headington’s 1852 journal, Trip to California.
In his journal Nimrod Headington details his 1852 voyage from New York to San Francisco and his search for gold in California. [1] [2]
Nimrod, with several others from Knox County, Ohio, set sail from New York on 16 February 1852, traveling on the clipper ship Racehound. After 5 months at sea they docked at San Francisco on 18 July 1852.