Category: Black Creek Township

Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Do you speak German? In 1910, who spoke German as their main language in Black Creek and Liberty Townships, Mercer County, Ohio?

Goldsby Alaska Bennett, Black Creek Teacher in 1900

I really enjoy finding surprises in the local censuses. Last week I was reading through the 1900 census for Black Creek Township, Mercer County, Ohio, mainly looking at the occupations, when the name of a schoolteacher caught my eye, Goldsby A. Bennett.

Schumm Pike

Last week, while researching the 1913 postcard showing the Philip Schumm home, I noticed that according to the 1910 census, the Philip Schumm family lived on Schumm Pike in Black Creek Township, Mercer County, Ohio.

A Bienz-Ross Photo Mystery

Last week I showed photos of three very old Schumm-related documents and this photo was with them. This photo, likely taken in Blackcreek Township, has me stumped.

Black Creek & Liberty News, 1911

I have moved from 1910 and am now looking through the 1911 issues of The Celina Democrat, searching for news and information about Black Creek and Liberty Townships. Most of the news the paper printed was from the Celina area, but occasionally there is news from the northwest part of the county.