Today, another picture postcard, dated 1908, a photo of the newly built Willshire Public School.

1908 postcard of Willshire Public School, from Russel M.
This is a fairly common picture postcard of the school, which was completed in 1901. I have another picture postcard just like it but the message on this one was written and sent by a different person.

1908 postcard of Willshire Public School, from Russel M.
The message was written by Russel M., who appears to have been a schoolteacher or principal at Willshire Public School in 1908.
Postmarked 12 a.m., Willshire, Ohio, Nov. 24, 1908
Addressed to Mr. W. E. Binckley, Lafayette, Ohio
Dear Binckley,
Was ever so glad to hear from you. Am hard at work just now. H.S. entertainment tomorrow night. Willie Meyer [?] and Charlotte Jones [?] will be here. I now have 40 in High School an increase of 22 over two years ago. 14 Seniors. We have a dandy lab outfit. 2nd grade school etc. Miss Elsie Masen [?] holds down grades 8 & 9. What do you think of our building? I like it ever so much. Will be going through L- over [?] 8 Wed. night. Will not stop at Ada, however. Let me have [?] you. Russel M.
[written at top]: If I had more room I might write more.
Russel M. also wrote on the front of the postcard. He numbered a couple windows on the right side of the building to correspond with his description:
My room is back of the trees.
- Basket ball room
- Primary
- 2nd Primary
Cost of building, $26000.
The senior class Russel referred to was likely the class of 1909, which included Earnest Ayers, Alma Bowen, Helen Cowan, Jesse Ehrhardt, Sadie Foltz, Clarence Giessler, Archie Minx, Nann Simms, and Lou Weimer.
Construction on the Willshire school building was started in 1900 and completed in 1901. The first class graduated from the new building in 1902 with a three-year high school certificate.
In 1930 an addition was built that included a gymnasium-auditorium, office, indoor restrooms, cafeteria, science lab, home economics department, and a study hall. In 1953 another addition was built that included a two-story addition with eight classrooms and a combination cafeteria-library.
In 1961 the Willshire and Rockford districts consolidated to form the Parkway Local School District. The old Willshire School building was demolished in 2006.
The Willshire Alumni Banquet will be held tomorrow evening, after a couple of covid-related postponements.
Thank you, Karen, for this Willshire School history post……looking forward to your presentation at the Alumni Banquet Saturday evening.
I am looking forward to seeing many Willshire alumni tomorrow night!