Tombstone Tuesday-David Casto

David Casto, Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Van Wert County, Ohio. (2012 photo by Karen)

This is the tombstone of David Casto, located in row 8 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm, Van Wert County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed:

David Casto
died May 10
aged 65 yrs
3 mo & 28 d

As calculated from his tombstone, David Casto was born 12 January 1782.

Although David Casto’s sandstone tombstone is located in Zion Schumm’s cemetery, there is no mention of his death or burial in Zion Schumm’s records. In fact, no Casto is mentioned in their records.

The only connection I have found between a Casto and Zion Schumm’s cemetery is a Casto-Hartzog connection. In 1856 Eliza J. Hartzog (1841-1880), daughter of Solomon and Susanna (King) Hartzog, married James C. Casto (1835-1904). Solomon and Susanna (King) Hartzog are both laid to rest in row 8 of Zion Schumm’s cemetery, buried next to David Casto, but the Hartzogs are not mentioned in the church records. Eliza J. (Hartzog) Casto is buried in Hileman/Smith/Hartzog/Alspaugh Cemetery, just down the road from Zion Schumm, and her husband James C. Casto, who remarried after Eliza’s death, is buried at Woodland Union, Van Wert. The surname Casto is not that common and there is likely some connection between David Casto and James C. Casto.

A couple Castos are mentioned in the Willshire/Duckcreek church circuit records. In 1879 D. Casto was appointed trustee at Willshire and Hila B. Casto married Leonidas G. Brock in 1882.

A few Castos are buried in local cemeteries, the nearest to Zion Schumm’s cemetery being Hileman/Smith/Hartzog/Alspaugh Cemetery, where Elizabeth B Casto (1865-1872), William Casto (1848-1866), and William F. Casto (1864-1866) are buried. There is likely a connection to David Casto.

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