Tag: Schumm

Two Schumm Soldiers in WWI

Last week I posted a photo of 139 young men from Van Wert County, in front of the Van Wert County Courthouse, just before they departed for Camp Sherman on 22 July 1918, where they would receive basic training before entering WWI. At that same time my grandfather Cornelius Schumm (1896-1986) was of draft age, age 21.

Johann Georg Schumm II Family in Ruppertshofen

So far I have written about the parents, grandparents, and in-laws our immigrant ancestor Johann George Schumm II. Today, Johann George Schumm II’s family in Germany, from the Ruppertshofen church records. Once again, the church records give up some surprises.

Fischer Family, Wife of JG Schumm

Last week I wrote about our immigrant ancestor John Georg Schumm’s grandparents and parents. Today, some information about our immigrant ancestor John Georg Schumm II’s wife Anna Maria Fischer and her family.

Adding to the Schumm History

One thing about genealogy is that the family history you think you know may not be entirely complete or accurate. Your family history may change as records become available and are analyzed. As more records become accessible we may be able to add information to our family history. Sometimes we learn new revelations. At a minimum, we may get a better understand of our ancestors’ lives.

Tombstone Tuesday-Charles & Clara (Schumm) Merkle

This is the tombstone of Charles and Clara (Schumm) Merkle, located in row 5 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm, Van Wert County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed:

Jan. 8, 1869
Sept. 4, 1963

July 24, 1875
Jan. 14, 1936