While looking for some Germann family information for this past week’s Tombstone Tuesday I came across copies of two booklets, Germann Family Record, one dated January 1939 (Vol. 1, No. 1) and the other dated August 1939 (Vol. 1, No. 2), published 80 years ago this year. Velma Schumm had the originals and I made …
Tag: Germann
Jan 08
Tombstone Tuesday–Maria E. (Germann) Dietrich
This is the tombstone of Maria E. Dietrich, located in row 5 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm, Van Wert County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed: Hier ruhet in Gott Maria E. Ehefrau von Adam Dietrich Geb. 20 Feb 1833 Gest. 28 Nov 1888 In Alter von 55 Jahr, 9 M. 8 T. Here rests in …
Dec 18
Tombstone Tuesday–Catharina Dietrich
This is the tombstone of Catharina Dietrich, located in row 4 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm, Van Wert County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed: Hier ruhet in Gott Catharina B Tochterlein des Adam u. Maria C. Dietrich Gestorben 21 Marz 1859 Here rests in God Catharina B, little daughter of Adam and Maria C. Dietrich, …
Dec 11
Tombstone Tuesday–Jacob Dietrich
This is the tombstone of Jacob Dietrich, located in row 4 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm, Van Wert County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed: JACOB Sohn von A. & M. Dietrich Gestorben 12 Apr 1857 Alter 2 Monet Jacob, son of A & M Dietrich, died 12 April 1857, aged 2 months. Jacob Dietrich was …
Dec 04
Tombstone Tuesday–Wilhelm Dietrich
This the tombstone of Wilhelm Dietrich, located in row 2 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm, Van Wert County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed: Hier Ruhet in Gott Wilhelm Sohn von Adam & Maria Dietrich Geboren Den 15 Sep 1862 Gestorben Den 15 Juni 1863 Here rests in God, Wilhelm, son of Adam and Maria Dietrich, …