Today I am taking a break from Nimrod Headington’s accounts of his voyage from New York to San Francisco in 1852.
The past couple weeks have been trying times for all, as we are all asked to do our part and stay at home to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Joe and I are doing fine here. Actually, we say that our life really hasn’t changed a whole lot during this time. We are not real social creatures and are content to just stay at home most of the time anyway. But this pandemic has taken that to an even higher level. We do like to get out and about a little more than we are doing now, at least for grocery shopping and occasionally dining out.
Now we order most of our groceries on-line at Walmart, for pickup at a specific time the next day, and someone brings the bags to our car. That is a very nice service and works pretty well, although it is somewhat like gambling. We place an order but are never really sure if all the items we ordered will be available the next day. And there may be substitutions.
We had the hardest time getting eggs. I would order eggs but they would be out of eggs by our pickup time the next day. So I decided to order a dozen hard-boiled eggs, to put in with pickled beets. And before you ask, yes, I can boil an egg, I just didn’t have any eggs here. But, instead of a dozen hard-boiled eggs, they gave me 4 eggs. Eventually Joe did get a couple dozen fresh eggs at Chief. We are not going to starve here, although we eat a lot of fresh produce and will need to make a grocery run in about a week. We haven’t really touched our canned and frozen food yet and we have plenty of toilet paper.
Some of our plans have changed. We cancelled a British Isles cruise we had scheduled for mid-May. That was hard. I had tickets to visit Highclere Castle, where they film the PBS series Downton Abbey. We would have met Lady Carnarvon, who lives there with her husband, the 8th Earl of Carnarvon. I was looking forward to that visit the most, followed closely by touring London and seeing castles and cathedrals in England, Scotland, and Ireland. At this time we don’t know if our Alaska trip will happen later this year.
But those are all minor things. The health of the American people and people all over the world is the most important thing right now. We pray for health, healing, and the end of this pandemic.
Here is something I tried this past week, during my stay-at-home time. A few weeks back offered a new service, MyHeritage In Color, that automatically colorizes a black and white photo that you upload. It only takes about 10 seconds for the whole process and the photos look quite nice. I have a DNA subscription at, not their Complete Plan, and I was allowed to colorize 10 photos with my plan. But, earlier this week MyHeritage announced that for the next month subscribers that do not have the Complete Plan can colorize as many photos as they want for free. How nice of them to give all their subscribers the opportunity to use this unlimited service at this time!
I decided to take advantage of their offer and below are a few old photos that I uploaded to MyHeritage and were colorized.
Be safe everyone and do you part to stop the spread.
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Quite impressive!
Thank you!
Thanks Karen. How interesting and the photos just “pop”. Thanks for sharing the one with Tom’s grandfather, Carl Weinman. I tried to save it and my computer totally froze up.
Stay safe and stay healthy in these times of the Covid-19.
Deb Reichard
Thanks, Deb! I sent you a copy of that photo, which colorized very well. It is so sharp! I hope your computer comes back. Thanks for writing.