Jacob & Gertrude (Miller) Deitsch, Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Mercer County, Ohio. (2011 photo by Karen)
This is the tombstone of Jacob and Gertrude (Miller) Deitsch, located in row 6 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Chattanooga, Mercer County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed:
Died July
13, 1902
Aged 75 Y
8 M 21 D
Jacob Deitsch
Died June
20, 1891
Aged 67 Y
1 M 17 D
According to Zion Chatt’s Familienbuch Jacob Deitsch was born 3 May 1824 in Bischmisheim, District Sarrbrucken in the Kingdom of Prussia. He was the son of Jacob and Maria Sophia Deitsch and he immigrated to America with his parents in 1836. They lived in Butler County, Ohio, some time before coming to Mercer County, Ohio.
Jacob married Gertrude Müller/Miller in Mercer County on 17 January 1852. [1] Her name is listed as Charity on their marriage record. She was called Charity in the 1870 census and Catharine in the 1860 census, but she usually went by the name of Gertrude.
Gerturde was the daughter of Johann Andreas and Barbara Müller/Miller. Gertrude was born 22 October 1826 in Eichfeld, District Mittelfranken, Kingdom of Bavaria. Her name was often spelled Gertraud in the church records.
In 1860 the Jacob Deitsch family lived in Jefferson Township, Mercer County, with a Celina address. In the household: Jacob, 35; Catharine, 34; Mary, 8; Sophia, 6; Margaret, 4; Jacob, 2; William, 4 months; and John Smith, 25. Jacob Deitsch and John Smith were both merchants. [2]
Zion’s records mention that Jacob Deitsch moved out of the community in 1864. The family was living in Jefferson Township in 1870 but Jacob and Gertrude took communion at Zion Chatt until their deaths. All of their children were baptized at Zion Chatt, except Elizabeth. Only Elizabeth’s confirmation is listed in the records.
In 1870 the Jacob Deitch family lived in Jefferson Township with a Celina address: Jacob, 46; Charity, 44; Mary C, 17; Sophia, 16; Margaret, 15; Jacob, 11; Frederick, 9; Louisa R, 6; Elizabeth, 4 months. Jacob farmed. [3]
In 1880 Jacob and Gertrude Deitsch and their family lived Liberty Township: Jacob, 57; Gertrude, 55; Mary C, 27; Sophia, 25; Frederick, 19; Louisa, 17; and Elisabeth, 10. Jacob was a farmer and daughter Mary C. was a school teacher. [4]
Jacob Deitsch died in Liberty Township on 20 June 1891 of rheumatism and cerebral inflammation, according to Zion Chatt’s records. He was 67 years, 1 month, and 17 days old and was buried on the 22nd. Rev. Chr. Reichert was in charge of the service.
In 1900 widow Gertrude Deitsch lived with daughter Mary and son-in-law Andrew Leistner. In the household: Andrew Leistner, 47; Mary Leistner, 47; Gertrude Deitsch, 73; William Huston, 26; Ettie Leistner, 26; and Charles Snider, 27. [5]
Gertrude Deitsch died 13 July 1902 at the age of 75 years, 9 months, and 21 days, according to Zion Chatt’s records, which disagree slightly from her tombstone inscription. She was buried on the 15th.
Jacob and Gertrude (Miller) Deitsch had the following children:
Maria/Mary Catharine (1852-1940), married Andrew Leistner
Sophia (1854-1925), married August C. Hofmann
Anna Margaretha (1856-1955), married George Germann
Jacob W. (1857-), married Ida Myers
Johann William (1860-1860)
Friedrick Conrad (1861-1947), married Ida May Biteman
Louisa Barbara (1864-)
Elizabeth (1870-1937), married Samuel Clase
[1] “Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2013,” database with images, FamilySearch.org (accessed 5 Mar 2017), Jacob Deitsch and Charity Miller, 17 Jan 1852; Mercer Marriages, Vol. ABC, p.365, #7, FHL microfilm 914955.
[2] 1860 U.S. Census, Celina, Mercer, Ohio, p.432, dwelling 959, family 962, Jacob Deitch; Ancestry.com (accessed 5 Mar 2017); FHL microfilm 805009, NARA microfilm M653, roll 1009.
[3] 1870 U.S. Census, Celina, Mercer, Ohio, ED 188, p.471A, dwelling 101, family 98, Jacob Deitsch; Ancestry.com (accessed 5 Mar 2017); FHL microfilm 5527421, NARA microfilm M593, roll 1243.
[4] 1880 U.S. Census, Liberty, Mercer, Ohio, ED 188, p.471A, dwelling & family 9, Jacob Deitsch; Ancestry.com (accessed 5 Mar 2017); NARA microfilm T9, roll 1048.
[5] 1900 U.S. Census, Liberty, Mercer, Ohio, ED 85, p.10B, dwelling 192, family 198, Andrew Seistner; Ancestry.com (accessed 5 Mar 2017); FHL microfilm 1241304, NARA microfilm T623, roll 1304.