Category: Cemetery

Veterans Buried at Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Chatt

There are a number of veteran and military-related holidays, events, and observances in November…

Some Cemetery Statue Photos

Halloween is this Thursday and today I am taking a break from my usual Tombstone Tuesday to instead post some of my favorite photos that I have taken of cemetery statues.

Happy Halloween!

Today, on the eve of Halloween, here are some of my favorite cemetery and tombstone photos.   Happy Halloween!  

Tombstone Tuesday–Memorial Day 2017

This past weekend, Memorial Day weekend, we visited three of the cemeteries that I write most about and while there I took some photos of some veterans’ markers with their new American flags. Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Chattanooga, Ohio: Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm, Ohio: Kessler, aka Liberty Cemetery, Mercer County, Ohio: In memory of all those …

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Cemetery Photos for Halloween

On the eve of Halloween, below are some photos from cemeteries we have visited over the years. Happy Halloween everyone!