Today, some more ads from the 5 May 1904 edition of the Willshire Herald that my great-grandfather Louis J. Schumm saved.
Willshire appears to have been a thriving village back in 1904. The town had quite a few businesses, if you can go by the number of advertisements in this eight-page newspaper. Over 100 years ago people did not have the means to travel very far from home to shop, so it was a necessity that the nearby towns have a variety of stores with supplies and goods for the daily needs of the people.
But when I think about it, Willshire still has a number of businesses, from a style salon, or “beauty shop,” as my mom called it, to home decorating and furnishing stores, a grain elevator, and places to eat, to mention just a few. I am most familiar with Willshire’s home decorating stores.
I remember going to Willshire’s Variety Store when I was a young girl. I liked to sew and do embroidery and I always enjoyed shopping for fabric and sewing notions there. Dellinger Brothers installed the heat pump when we built our house in the 1970s. I also remember that Willshire has always had some of the best ice cream around.
Below are some more Willshire business ads from that 1904 Willshire Herald.
A. and J. Brown, dry goods, dress goods, carpets, and mattings:
S. S. Buchanan, window treatments, furniture, picture frames. They even enlarges photos:
John Beam, tailor. Elsewhere he advertised men’s suits made to order for $8.50 and up:
J. F. Baucher, City Bargain Store:
Manley’s Footwear:
Jas. B. Stogdill, clocks, watches, sewing machines, pianos, and organs. I have my Grandma Schumm’s old Singer treadle sewing machine. My dad told me his family had a pump organ when he was growing up. I wonder if those items, were purchased at Stogdill’s:
Willshire Milling Company:
What a great newspaper this is, with so much interesting information! I am so glad it was saved all these years.
Willshire still has some of the best ice cream around. You should advise your readers to go to the Willshire Drive-In and get a sundae with soft serve chocolate and marshmallow creme topping. Nothing better if you survive the brain freeze.
You got that right. I could go for one of those sundaes right now. They are the best!