A couple days ago, while trying to reorganize and clean out the back room of our basement [a task with no end in sight], I ran across my aunt Ann’s 1952 edition of the Willshire Public School yearbook, the Willow. My dad’s sister, Ann (Miller) Kosier, was a Junior in 1952, which is also the year I was born.
I stopped cleaning for a while and took some time to thumb through the old yearbook, a cleaning habit which is probably the reason it is taking me so long to reorganize this cluttered room.
Toward the front of the yearbook I noticed a page of photos entitled Local Servicemen. Many, possibly all, were Willshire graduates serving in the U.S. military during the Korean Conflict (1950-1953). My Uncle Vernie Miller, a brother to Ann and my dad, is one of the soldiers pictured. I recognized many of the other names.
Those pictured:
Carl Geissler, Army
Tim Agler, Air Force
Bob Shoup, Marines
Laverne Miller, Army
Willy Allmandinger, Army
Ned Byer, Air Force
Phil Hileman, Air Force
Gene Bienz, Marines
Robert Voltz, Army
Paul Roehm, Army
Keith Ross, Air Force
Gene Myers, Marines
Harold Griffith, Marines
John Gribler, Air Force
John Schaffner, Marines
Bob Frank, Army
Ray Hamrick, Army
Don Geary, Marines [no photo]
Bill Marbaugh, Air Force
What a nice tribute to the local recent graduates who were serving in our armed forces.
Thank you for your service.