A new year. A clean slate. An empty calendar. Another opportunity to once again make resolutions and goals that will most likely not be kept for a even week. But making resolutions and goals seems to come with the New Year. How did I do with my 2013 genealogy goals? Let’s see: Digitize the family …
Tag: Goals
Jan 06
2012 Genealogy Goals
It is here–another New Year and the time to make those dreaded resolutions. After all these years I am not going to stress out about making New Year’s Resolutions that I probably won’t keep anyway. I basically have the same resolution each year: to lose weight. Some years I succeed while the opposite happens other …
Feb 04
Karen’s 2011 Genealogy Goals
It may seem a little odd to be writing about my 2011 genealogical goals in February, but you have to believe me, I wrote these goals early in January. You see, at the time I wrote my goals I did not have this blog on which to post them. Karen’s 2011 Genealogy Goals: Digitize photos …