Golf carts have always been popular with golfers but recently they have become even more popular with people, not for golfing, but just to get around in their community. Golf carts look to be a handy and fun way to get from place to place. Just hop in and ride around in the open air. They are fuel efficient, too.
We noticed their popularity a few years ago in Portland, Indiana. They were everywhere, in town as well as at their annual engine show. Then we noticed golf carts in Berne, in Rockford, and now in Celina. Yes, Golf carts are very popular and handy.
A family member recently purchased this nice, sporty-looking golf cart.
Not to brag, but my grandpa Cornelius Schumm was way ahead of today’s popular golf cart craze. Grandpa Schumm had a golf cart back in 1984. And he was not a golfer. He used it to drive around his farm. I doubt that he ever drove it to Willshire, though.

Cornelius Schumm in his golf cart, 1984.
While Grandma Schumm was taking care of the household chores grandpa’s favorite place to pass the time was in his garage. His garage was all the way across the barnyard, on the other side of the barn, and quite a walk for an elderly person. So having a little motorized vehicle to drive to and from his garage and around the farmyard worked great for grandpa, who was not getting around very well in his later years. It was a good way to help keep him mobile.

Cornelius Schumm, 1984.
These photos were taken in 1984 but I am not sure how long grandpa had his golf cart before this. I know he was proud of it and enjoyed riding it around the barnyard. Grandpa passed away a couple years later, in 1986.
Golf carts have certainly changed over the years. And don’t bother to ask about the car. I have no idea who owned that car, although it doesn’t look like a 1984 model. It looks like a very cool car, though.
My parents drove a Gator around their lot and it suited their needs better than a golf cart.

Herb & Florence Miller on Gator, c2011
My dad really liked his Gator and usually had the bed loaded with gallons of dirt or water jugs to water plants.

Herb Miller with Gator, 2011.
Good times and good memories!
Sosmart, practical, effective and so cute! Our knees at are not designed for big dirt clogs, while hauling produce and tools.
I agree! It was a great idea!