Tombstone Tuesday-Saloma Hardzog

Saloma Hardzog, Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Van Wert County, Ohio. (2012 photo by Karen)

This is the tombstone of Soloma Hardzog, located in row 7 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm, Van Wert County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed:

Wife of George
Hardzog Was
Born Dec 25’
1777 & Died
July 23’ 1844
Aged 76 years
7 ms & 29 d

Saloma’s date of birth is 24 November 1767, as calculated from her tombstone, using her age at death. The age that is inscribed on her tombstone does not agree with the date of birth that is inscribed on her tombstone. Which is correct on her tombstone? Her date of birth or her age?

I believe her age is correct as inscribed on her tombstone.

Find a provides some information about her but I do not know if it is family information or if the information came from other sources.

Find a Grave indicates that Saloma Hardzog, in addition to being the wife of George Hardzog, was also the mother of George Hartzog Jr (1789-1846), Christian Hartzog (1798-1874), Benjamin Hartzog (1806-1882), and Solomon Hartzog (1808-1848). [1] [2]

Several Hardzog/Hartzog families lived in Willshire Township, Van Wert County, and Black Creek Township, Mercer County, and the following were enumerated in 1840: Solomon, Fred, and George in Willshire Township, Christian in Black Creek Township.

Therefore, if Saloma was the mother of any of the above men mentioned she was probably not born in 1777, but instead was born in 1767. It is likely her date of birth inscription is incorrect.     

Soloma would have been about 74 years old in 1840 but not that many women in her 70-80 year age group were enumerated in either township in 1840. In fact, there was only one. There was just one woman in Black Creek (Isaac H. Sutton household) and none in Willshire Township. Perhaps Saloma had not moved into the area by 1840. Or maybe she fibbed about her age…

Unfortunately, Saloma’s death predates the records at Zion Lutheran, Schumm, and the recording deaths in Ohio. Little information can be found about her.

Several of Saloma’s descendants are also buried in Zion Lutheran Cemetery at Schumm.

[1] This name is often spelled Hartzog as well as Hardzog, and sometimes Hartsock.

[2] Find a, memorial no. 34047019, Soloma (Honer) Hartzog tombstone, (1767-1844), Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Van Wert County, Ohio.

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