Luther Weissenborn [Weisenborn], Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm, Van Wert County, Ohio. (2012 photo by Karen)
Luther Weissenborn
Den 8 Mai 1864
17 Y. 7 M. 19 T.
Luther Weissenborn died 8 May 1864, age 17 years, 7 months, and 19 days.
This surname is usually spelled Weisenborn, the spelling I will use in this post.
Luther Weisenborn appears to be the only Weisenborn mentioned in Zion Schumm’s records and according to their records he was born 19 September 1846. The record does not give the names of his parents, but they may have been John “Christoph” and Mary Catharine (Schüt) Weisenborn. Zion Schumm’s records agree with his tombstone inscription, that he died on 8 May 1864 at the age of 17 Years, 7 months, and 19 days. Luther drowned while fishing and was buried on the 9th.
In 1850 and 1860 Luther Weisenborn was living with John Christoph and Mary Catharine Weisenborn, but those census enumerations do not give the family relationships. He could have been a relative and not their son. Find a Grave.com indicates that his parents were likely John Christoph and Mary Catharine Weisenborn.
The John C. Weisenborn family lived in Morrow County, Ohio, in 1850. Their household in 1850: John C, 32, Germany; Catherine, 23, Germany; and Luther, 3, Ohio. The father John was a farmer. [1]
By 1860 John C. Weisenborn and his family had moved to Auglaize County, Ohio: John, 42, Prussia; Mary C, 31, Baden; Luther, 13, Oh; John M, 4, OH; John F, 2, Oh; Mary, 2 months, Oh. The family had a post office address of St. Johns and the father John was a farmer. [2]
Sometime between 1860 and 1870 the Weisenborn family moved to Liberty Township, Mercer County, Ohio. The John Weisenborn household in 1870: John, 53; Mary, 43; John M, 13; Louisa, 13; John F, 9; and John H, 4. The parents were born in Germany and the children in Ohio. The father John [Christoph] farmed. [3]
This is probably the same J. Weisenborn family that resided in Section 18 of Liberty Township, Mercer County, as seen in the 1876 and 1888 Mercer County plat maps. They would have lived a couple miles south of Chatt and would explain why the father John [Christoph] Weisenborn is buried in Kessler Cemetery. Godfried Wisenborn is also buried nearby in Kessler Cemetery and could be another family member.
Since I saw that they lived near Chatt I checked Zion Chatt’s records and see that the “Christoph Wissenborn” family attended church there in the mid-1860s and later. Their records indicate that Christoph was married to Mary Catharine (Schüt). Their son John Herman Weisenborn was baptized at Zion Chatt in 1865 and son John Martin was confirmed there in 1871. Christoph and Mary Catharine were from Niederdorla, Thuringen, and Grossherzogtum, Baden, respectively.
[1] 1850 U.S. Census, Bennington, Morrow, Ohio, p.56B, dwelling 802, family 814, John C. Weisenborn; digital image by subscription, Ancestry.com (https://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?htx=List&dbid=8054&offerid=0%3a7858%3a0 : viewed 25 Nov 2018).
[2] 1860 U.S. Census, Union, Auglaize, Ohio, p.377, dwelling 1104, family 1068, John Weisenborn; digital image by subscription, Ancestry.com (https://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?htx=List&dbid=7667&offerid=0%3a7858%3a0 : viewed 25 Nov 2018).
[3] 1870 U.S. Census, Liberty, Mercer, Ohio, p: 148A, dwelling 96, family 88, John Wisenbaur; digital image by subscription, Ancestry.com (https://search.ancestry.com/search/db.aspx?htx=List&dbid=7163&offerid=0%3a7858%3a0 : viewed 26 Nov 2018).