Tombstone Tuesday-Susannah (King) Hartzog

Susannah (King) Hartzog, Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Van Wert County, Ohio. (2012 photo by Karen)

This is the tombstone of Susannah (King) Hartzog, located in row 8 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm, Van Wert County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed:

Wife of Solom
on Hartzog Wa
s Born Dec 31’ 1811
& Died November
2, 1842 Aged 31
Years, 10 m. &
1 day

Evidently this tombstone carver did not plan ahead. When he came to the edge of the area he was carving he just broke up the word and continued on the next line, no matter what part of the word he was carving. I have seen this same technique on a couple other old sandstone tombstones in Zion Schumm Cemetery, likely by the same carver.

Most tombstones from this time period do not give a birth date so it is special to see her birth date inscribed. However, the birth and death dates do not agree with her age. She was either born in 1810 or she was 30 years of age when she died.

Susannah King married Solomon Hartzog on 1 April 1830 in Franklin County, Ohio. [1]

By 1840 the Solomon Hartzog family had moved to Willshire Township and reportedly settled along the north banks of the St. Marys River. Their family, as enumerated in 1840: males: 1/under 5, 1/30-39; females: 2/under 5, 1/5-9, 1/20-29. [2]

Susanna (King) Hartzog died 2 November 1842 and she is buried next to her husband Solomon in Zion’s cemetery. Judging by the birth date of her last child, she may have died in childbirth or from complications of childbirth.

Susannah’s widowed husband Solomon married Mary Blossom on 27 June 1844 in Van Wert County, married by the M.E. deacon James J. McNabb. [3]

Solomon Hartzog died 7 November 1848 and is buried next to Susannah.

Solomon and Susanna (King) Hartzog had the following children, although there may be more:
Mary A (1831-1876), married David Smith
Jesse (1833-1904), married Mary Ann Adams
Leah (1836-1921), married Henry Banta
King Solomon (1838-1863), married Polly Medaugh
Eliza J (1841-1880), married James C. Casto
Benjamin (1842-)

[1] “Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2016,” Franklin Marriages, Vol. 2, p.245, no.1293, Solomon Heartzog & Susanna King, 1 Apr 1830; ( : viewed 26 Apr 2021).

[2] 1840 U.S. Census, Willshire, Van Wert, Ohio, p.70, Solomon Hartgoy; digital image by subscription, ( : viewed 26 Apr 2021).

[3] “Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2016,” Van Wert, Vol.1, p.20, Solomon Harzog & Mary Blossom, 27 Jun 1844; ( : viewed 3 Apr 2021).


    • Marie Perret on May 13, 2021 at 3:01 pm
    • Reply

    Merci Karen… c’est toujours un plaisir de vous lire de l’autre coté de l’Atlantique, en Champagne… Prenez soin de vous. Bien amicalement. Marie Bernadette

    1. Bonjour Marie, C’est tellement agréable de vous entendre gagner et j’espère que vous allez bien. Nous profitons d’un beau printemps ici en Ohio. Prenez soin de vous merci d’avoir écrit. (J’espère que cela se traduit bien. J’utilise Google Traduction!)

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