This is the tombstone of Stanley L. Regedanz, located in row 4 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Chattanooga, Ohio. The marker is inscribed:
Stanley L.
Son of
Wm & O.A.
Feb. 24, 1910
Mar. 11, 1910
Stanley Lemoyne Regedanz was born in Ohio, probably at the Regedanz home in Blackcreek Township, on 24 February 1910, the first child born to William John and Ona Alice (Johnson) Regedanz. He was baptized on 11 March 1910, with Mrs. Regedanz as his baptismal sponsor.
Stanley’s parents married 26 February 1909 in Mercer County, Ohio. His father William was born in Hopewell Township in about 1885 to Henry and Emma (Wenker) Regedanz. His mother Ona was born in Washington Township, Mercer County, Ohio, on 27 Feb 1888 to Frank and (unknown) Johnson, as written on their marriage license. [1]
William and Ona attended Zion Chatt for a few years and it was during that time that Ona was baptized and confirmed as an adult. Two of their children, Stanley and Clifford, were also baptized there.
Stanley died of pemphigus on 11 March 1910, at the age of 14 days. Pemphigus is skin disease where watery blisters or sores form on the skin and/or mucus membranes. [2]
Zion’s records indicate that Stanley was 16 days old and was buried on the 12th.
About a month after Stanley’s death William and Ona were enumerated in the 1910 census. They were living in Blackcreek Township and they had been married a year. The census indicates they had no children, but their only child had just died. William was 25 and Ona 22 years old. Both were born in Ohio and William farmed. They lived near John Leistner, Fred Wick, and Henry Secrest. [3]
William and Ona went on to have nine more children. They had a stillborn male child on 21 May 1911. He was born premature and is also buried in Zion Chatt’s cemetery. [4]
Their other children:
Inez (c1915)
Clifford Vernon (1916-1947)
Glenn F (c1920)
Forest E. (1925-1993)
Bernice L (c1924)
Ralph E. (1926-1974)
Herbert Leon (1928-1991)
William Regedanz died in 1980 and Ona died in 1977. Both are buried in Mercer Memory Gardens, near Celina.
[1] “Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2013,” database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 17 Mar 2016), Wm J Regedanz and Ona Johnson, 26 Feb 1909; from Mercer County Marriages, Vol.9, p.499; from FHL microfilm 914958.
[2] “Ohio Deaths, 1908-1953,” database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed 17 Mar 2016), Stanley Lemoyne Regedanz, 11 Mar 1910; from Blackcreek Twp, Mercer, Ohio deaths, file no. 16387; from FHL microfilm 1927358.
[3] 1910 U.S. Census, Black Creek, Mercer, Ohio, ED 107, p.2B, family 45, William Regedanz; digital images by subscription, ( : accessed 17 Mar 2016); from FHL microfilm 1375227, from NARA microfilm T624, roll 1214.
[4] “Ohio Deaths, 1908-1953,” database with images, FamilySearch ( accessed 17 Mar 2016), Wm John Frederick Regedanz in entry for Regedanz, 26 May 1911; from Liberty Twp, Mercer, Ohio deaths, file no. 28955; from FHL microfilm 1952987.