Happy July 4th!

Happy July 4th from Karen’s Chatt!

Today, to celebrate Independence Day, our nation’s birthday, a few lines from some favorite patriotic songs:

God Bless America

Land that I love

Sweet land of liberty

Let freedom ring

Land of the free

God Bless the USA

Stand beside her and guide her

God shed his grace on thee

Proud to be an American

Stars and Stripes Forever

Long may our land be bright with freedom’s holy light, protect us by thy might, Great God our King.

I was able to compile the above list from memory and I am sure many of you could do the same. However, I also did an Internet search for patriotic songs, just in case I had missed a good song. I couldn’t believe the following songs were included in a list of great patriotic songs: Born in the USA by Bruce Springsteen, Living in America by James Brown, and Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus. Seriously? Not on my list of patriotic songs!    

Wishing you and yours an enjoyable and safe holiday weekend.

And pray for America.



    • Ruth Melendez on July 2, 2021 at 8:43 am
    • Reply

    Thanks Karen,
    All great songs indeed
    to reflect on this ..4th of July!
    I do pray God Bless Ameria, Land that I LOVE.
    So proud to be an American.
    Stay Safe
    Ruth Melendez

    1. Thanks, Ruth! Great to hear from you.

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