Duckcreek Church Members Received & Removed, 1890-1898

Continuing on with the Duckcreek Church [1] records that I have, below are the Duckcreek Church members who were received and removed from 1890-1898.

This information includes the person’s name, whether married [M] or single [S], class [Cl], received, received by whom, how removed, and occasionally some remarks. However, very little information was given for most of the individuals. 

The abbreviation prob was used several times and likely refers to probationary members, those seeking full church membership.

Duckcreek Church members who were received and removed, 1890-1898:

Chilcoat, Charles; M; Class 1; deceased
Chilcoat, Catharine; M; Cl 1; removed by death; died in great peace
Case, Jasper; M; Cl 3
Case, John; M; Cl 6
Case, Catharine; M; Cl 6
Counterman, A.M.; M; Cl 1; removed by death
Counterman, Mrs.; M; Cl 1; trans to Willshire
Cross, Elonzo; M; Cl 1; removed by death; trans to Willshire
Cross, Lu__; M; Cl 1; removed without letter; trans to Willshire
Christy, Calinda; M; Cl 4
Carr, L.B.; M; received by transfer Oct 1890; gone without letter
Counterman, Jacob; M; trans back to Willshire from Fletcher
Cross, Mollie; [NG]; removed by death
Case, Maude; S; received from prob 12 Jun 1892 by L.G. Herbe
Chilcote, Eliza; M; Cl 4
Case, Judson; M; Cl 6
Case, Mrs. Judson; M; Cl 6
Counterman, Emma; M; Cl 1; transfer to Willshire
Chilcote, Idora; M; Cl 7; received from prob 12 Jun 1898 by J.S. Snodgrass
Chilcote, Joshua; M; received from prob 19 Jun 1898 by J.S. Snodgrass; Fletcher Chapel
Chilcote, James; M; Fletcher Chapel
Chilcote, Calista; M; Fletcher Chapel

Concerning the last 3 entries, Fletcher Chapel was written under Remarks and it was not specified whether they transferred to or from Fletcher Chapel. There is a Fletcher Chapel Methodist Church in Millersport, Fairfield County, Ohio, but I do not know if this is the church they were referring to.

Also, there is a Fletcher Cemetery on Clayton Road in Willshire Township and several Chilcotes/Chilcoats are buried there. At least a couple of them attended Duckcreek Church. According to Van Wert County Cemetery Inscriptions Vol. V, by the Van Wert Chapter OGS, Charles Chilcoat (1819-1898) and his wife Catharine Chilcoat (1821-1898) are buried at Fletcher Cemetery in Van Wert County. Both are mentioned in the records above. James W Chilcote (1850-1911) and his wife Sarah C (1850-1905) are also buried there. This could be the couple recorded above with the Fletcher Chapel notation. Joshua M Chilcote (1804-1880) is also buried at Fletcher Cemetery but his vital dates do not coincide with the Duckcreek records.

Now I wonder if there was once a church associated with Fletcher Cemetery. Do any readers know? A local Fletcher Chapel would make more sense than the Fletcher Chapel in Millersport.  

There is a very short entry of the 1882 Probationers:
Benjamin Frank, M; Middleberry [residence]; received 29 Aug 1882 by L.E. Prentiss
Mattie Goens, S; [no further information]

[1] Duckcreek Church was established in 1858. A frame church was built about 1868 and was located a couple miles north of Chatt on State Route 49 in Mercer County, Ohio. The church was destroyed by a tornado in 1920 and was never rebuilt. Many of its members joined the Chattanooga Methodist Church after their church was destroyed.


    • Deb Reichard on July 30, 2021 at 8:29 am
    • Reply

    Interesting Karen. Hey, my 3rd Great Grandparents, George and Mary Sharp Fairchild are buried in Fletcher Chapel, Millersport, Fairfield County Ohio. Maybe they knew the Chilcotes!

    1. That could be an interesting connection. I had never heard of Fletcher Chapel but there was evidently a couple connections to Duckcreek Church. Great to hear from you!

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