Category: Heffner

Local War News from 1917

The United States was involved in a World War in 1917…

Merkles and Heffners of Chatt

Today, a few more Merkle and Heffner photos, courtesy of Doug Roebuck.

The Merkles from Chattanooga

I appreciate when readers send me information about their family, especially when the family has a Chattanooga, Ohio, connection.

Tombstone Tuesday–Arley S. Byer

This is the tombstone of Arley S. Byer, located in row 7 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Chattanooga, Mercer County, Ohio. The marker is laying on the ground and is inscribed: Here rests Arley S. Byer Born Feb. 17 1887 Died March 30, 1887 Gone, but not forgotten Neither Arley Byer’s birth, baptism, death, nor burial …

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Tombstone Tuesday–Ida R. Heffner

This is the tombstone of Ida R. Heffner, located in row 7 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Chattanooga, Mercer County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed: Ida R. Heffner Apr. 14, 1880 Sept. 5, 1880 Ida was the first child born to George Heinrich and Lucinda (Karch) Heffner, born in Jefferson Township, Mercer County, Ohio, on 14 …

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