This is the tombstone of William Buechner, located in row 11 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm, Van Wert County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed BUECHNER, William Buechner, 1859-1926.
According to the church records at Zion Lutheran, Schumm, Johann Adam Wilhelm Büchner was born 12 January 1859 to Johannes Büchner and his legal wife. He was baptized 14 January at home with Adam Büchner and Wilhelm Schumm as sponsors. Other entries in Zion’s records indicate that Johannes Büchner’s wife and William’s mother was Anna Margaretha Scior.
Death Claims Well-known Willshire Township Man
News of the death of William Buechner, well-known retired farmer, who maintained a bachelor home at the original Buechner farm four miles east of town for a number of years, following the death of his mother, came to the people of the entire community with a distinct shock, as it was not generally understood that he was critically or even seriously ill, it being the impression that he had been taken to the Van Wert county hospital two weeks before for treatment and care for ailments that could be overcome without difficulty. His condition, however, became critical almost from the first day in the hospital, heart disease and incidental complications resulting in his demise at 5:05 o’clock Friday evening, April 23, 1926. He was aged 67 years, three months and 12 days, having been born on the farm on which he resided, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Buechner, both deceased.
He was reared in the Lutheran faith, being given the rite of baptism in infancy, and following the usual training in church doctrine, was confirmed and united with the Zion Evangelical Lutheran church at Schumm, Ohio, April 5, 1873, retaining his membership therein until called to his eternal home.
He was a jovial disposition, and his almost daily visits to Willshire during the past twenty years, up until four weeks ago, found him calling on and joking with his friends and acquaintances.
He took an active interest in the public affairs of his community and county, and some few years ago served in the capacity of township trustee.
He leaves to mourn their loss, two brothers, John Buechner of Willshire township; Henry Buechner of Blackcreek township, Mercer County, and one sister, Mrs. Mary Schumm of near Rockford.
Funeral services were held from the Zion Lutheran church at Schumm Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. R.O. Bienert, with interment in the church cemetery, attended by a large concourse of relatives, friends and acquaintances. (The Willshire Herald, Willshire, Ohio, 29 April 1926, p.1.)
According to the 1872 Map of Van Wert County, the John Buechner farm was one mile east of Zion Lutheran Church.