This is the tombstone of Roger Wayne Bollenbacher, located in row 8 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Chattanooga, Mercer County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed:
Roger Wayne Bollenbacher was stillborn or died shortly after birth on 7 July 1929 in Adams County, Indiana. He was the first child born to Victor Fredrick and Ina Chloe (Douglas) Bollenbacher.
This tombstone may be the only recorded information about this child but the Bollenbacher family confirms that he was the son of Victor and Chloe Bollenbacher. Neither his birth or death is recorded in Zion Chatt’s records and I was unable to find his birth or death record on-line.
Victor and Chloe went on to have two more children, Alethea Mae and Olen Eugene.
Roger’s parents are buried in row 5 of Zion’s cemetery.