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    • Sharon Schaadt Cowen on March 21, 2014 at 7:36 am
    • Reply

    Hi Karen,

    I am Herb and Eda Schaadt’s daughter. I grew up just across the state line in Indiana. Eric Stephenson still farms my Dad’s farm. We went to church at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ. I’m also related to the Linn’s and Dietsch’s and Frahm’s in the area. I now live north of Kokomo, Indiana.

    I am looking for a copy of the State Line Farmer from approximately July 26, 1983 with pictures from the Farmer’s Picnic, and hoping to find a picture of my Dad there. Any ideas?

    Thank you so much.

    Also I’ve been researching the murder of Mary Arabelle Secaur, and am wondering if there is any information about what finally was done with the body of Alexander Mcleod and if his family was ever found?

    Sharon Schaadt Cowen

    1. I am not sure where you would find that issue of the State Line Farmer. Perhaps some library might have it or maybe their publishing company has an archive. Sometimes you can find those items on Ebay. Have you tried an Internet search? I do not know about Mcleod and his family either. Sorry I could not be of any help, but thanks for writing. It is good to hear of your connection to Chatt.

    • Sharon Schaadt Cowen on July 16, 2014 at 7:35 pm
    • Reply

    Thank you, Karen! I somehow missed your reply to me. Guess I thought it would come by email. I haven’t tried Ebay. I did try an internet search. I haven’t tried a local library or their publishing company. These are great ideas!

  1. Hi Karen,

    as a longtime/current Willshire-ite I always enjoy reading your local community posts. Phil’s dad Archie Hileman was also a long-term Willshire bus driver. Archie and son Phil were both local baseball umpires. Phil’s wife Barbara still iives just south of the village.

    I believe 1960 bus driver Pastor Webb’s daughter is married to George Buchanan (Class of 1960 I believe).

    Keep the Willshire old-timer news coming. Hope our two Willshire historical publications are of interest to you in that regard.

    Farrel Krall (1956)

    1. Thank you for the additional information about Archie Hileman. I certainly enjoy looking through the Willshire information you gave me and I am sure I will use it in the future. Thanks for reading and for writing!

    • Debbie on September 10, 2021 at 4:01 pm
    • Reply

    I am related to the Miller family. My great grandfather and grandfather were both born in Kokomo, Ind.
    Ernest and Eldon Miller will appreciate any information on the family. I know there were several boys
    in the family and they each had kids. One was a minister. I recently found some reunion ribbons from the civil war but don’t know who they belonged to. Maybe Ebenezer or John one was a women’s auxillary ribbon they were 29th reunion and 17th reunion in early 1900’s I recently moved so don’t have exact information with me yet
    but can send exact information later. Thanks for any help debbie

    1. Are you connected to the John Miller (1889-1964) family? His wife was Frona Dull. They moved from Ohio to Elkhart County and lived in Goshen. That would probably be connection to my Millers. I do not have Ernest or Eldon in my database, but I am lacking information on this line. Are we in the same Miller family?

    • Debbie Woods on September 14, 2021 at 7:07 pm
    • Reply

    I think so I can send you information I have in a week or so when my move it finished and I can find my stuff.

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