Category: Tombstone Art

Tombstone Tuesday-Wreath/Garland Symbol

A wreath or garland symbol on a tombstone symbolizes victory, victory in death, glory, redemption, eternity, and immortality.

Tombstone Tuesday-Star Symbol

The star symbol on a tombstone can symbolize divine guidance, eternity, or immortality, as well as hope, dreams, and life everlasting. For early Christians the five-pointed star represented the five wounds of Christ.

Tombstone Tuesday-Urn Symbol

One of the earliest and most commonly used gravestone icons is the likeness of an urn placed on top of a tombstone or carved onto the grave marker.

The urn was one of the first symbols used that replaced the death head and soul effigy in the 19th century,

Tombstone Tuesday-Ivy Symbol

Some tombstones are embellished with artwork that represents ivy leaves or ivy vines.
Ivy is always green and will survive under harsh conditions. Because of this it is associated with immortality and fidelity.

Tombstone Tuesday-Broken Flower Bud

A broken flower bud was most often carved on the tombstone of an infant or a young child and symbolizes that their life was cut short. They died too young. Their life ended too soon.