Tag: Tombstone art

Tombstone Tuesday-Wreath/Garland Symbol

A wreath or garland symbol on a tombstone symbolizes victory, victory in death, glory, redemption, eternity, and immortality.

Tombstone Tuesday-Star Symbol

The star symbol on a tombstone can symbolize divine guidance, eternity, or immortality, as well as hope, dreams, and life everlasting. For early Christians the five-pointed star represented the five wounds of Christ.

Tombstone Tuesday-More Military Inscriptions

Today, a few more military inscriptions and insignia on local tombstones.

Tombstone Tuesday-GAR Symbol

This patriotic tombstone inscription is the symbol of the Grand Army of the Republic.

Tombstone Tuesday-Urn Symbol

One of the earliest and most commonly used gravestone icons is the likeness of an urn placed on top of a tombstone or carved onto the grave marker.

The urn was one of the first symbols used that replaced the death head and soul effigy in the 19th century,