This is the tombstone of Maria Friedricke Roehm, located in row 3 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm, Van Wert County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed:
Hier Ruhet Maria F. [?]
Tochter von G.A. und G. Roehm
Gest. 19 Aug. 1901
Alter 2 [?] Y, 5 M, 28 D
Maria Friedricke Roehm was born 21 February 1899 in Van Wert County, the daughter of George A. and Gertrude (Heffner) Roehm. She was baptized 12 March 1899 at Zion Lutheran Schumm, with Amalie Schumm and Mrs. Marie Schumm as sponsors, according to church records.
Sponsor Marie (Heffner) Schumm was Maria Friedricke Roehm’s aunt, the sister of her mother Gerturde. Marie and William Schumm also attended church at Zion Schumm.
Maria Roehm’s birth was also recorded in the probate records of Van Wert County and her probate birth record agrees with the church record. [1]
According to Zion Schumm’s records Maria died 19 August 1901 of inflammation of the brain, at the age of 2 years, 5 months, and 28 days. She was buried on the 21st.
According to her Van Wert County probate death record Maria died of “spinal bifida.” Her death is recorded on the line after her sister Eleanore’s death record.
Of course two of the records would have to disagree with each other. According to her Van Wert County death record Maria died 8 August 1901, at the age of 2 years. [2] As I mentioned last week, I believe all four of the Roehm deaths were reported and recorded at the same time at Van Wert probate, sometime after 4 January 1902. Either they were reported or recorded inaccurately, maybe both. I believe she died 19 August, as the church record and tombstone indicate.
This tombstone is weathered, broken, and cracked, making it very difficult to read. It is the same shape and type tombstone as her father’s and her sister Eleanore’s. Maria’s inscription appears to follow the same format as her sister’s.
[1] “Ohio, County Births, 1841-2003,” index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 February 2015), Marie F. Roehm, 21 February 1899; citing Van Wert County, Ohio Births, Vol. 3, p.462; from FHL microfilm 1015857.
[2] “Ohio, County Death Records, 1840-2001,” index and images, FamilySearch (http: : accessed 23 February 2015), Marie Roehm, 8 August 1901; citing Van Wert County, Ohio, Deaths, Vo. 2: 185, from FHL microfilm 1015858.