This is the tombstone of Eleanore Anna Magdalena Roehm, located in row 8 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm, Van Wert County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed:
Hier Ruhet Eleanore A. [?] M.
Tochter von G.A. und G. Roehm
Gest. Den 9 Oct. 1901
Alter 15 Y, 3 M, 26 D
Translation: Here rests Eleanore A. [?] M., Daughter of G.A. and G. Roehm, Died 9 October 1901, Age 15 years, 3 months, 26 days.
Eleanore Anna Magdalena Roehm was born 13 July 1886 in Willshire Township, Van Wert County, the daughter of George A. and Gertrude (Heffner) Roehm. She was baptized at home on 1 August 1886 with Mrs. Anna Schumm and Magdalena Roehm as sponsors. She was confirmed at Zion Lutheran Schumm on Palm Sunday, 8 April 1900.
Eleanore’s church death record indicates she died 9 October 1901 of typhoid and pneumonia at the age of 15 years, 2 months, and 26 days. She was buried on 11 October.
According to her tombstone inscription she was 15 years, 3 months, and 26 days old, making her date of birth 13 June 1886. Both her baptismal record and church death record state she was born on 13 July 1886. Using those two church records to calculate her age, she would have been 15 years, 2 months, and 26 days old—2 months, not 3 months. It appears her age as inscribed on her tombstone is incorrect.
Eleanore was the third person in this family to die in 1901. Her father died a little over four months earlier and her little sister died a little less than two months earlier.
Eleanore’s death is the third of four Roehm deaths recorded consecutively in Van Wert’s probate records. The four are Andrew [George’s father], George [Eleanore’s father], “Ella Nora” [today’s subject], and Maria [Eleanore’s sister]. This record gives Eleanore’s death date as 10 September 1901, which disagrees with her church death record and her tombstone. [1]
Again, I have to agree with the church records. The four Roehm probate death records are not in chronological order and were likely reported and entered at the same time, after Andrew Roehm’s death on 4 January 1902, months after the other three deaths. Andrew was the last of the four to die but his death was recorded first on the page. In addition, we do not know who reported the information to the probate court. I believe there was an error in reporting or recording some of the information concerning the Roehm deaths in this record.
Parent’s names were not entered in this probate death record because they were to be recorded only when an infant died without a name. This record indicates both sisters and their father were born in Willshire Township, that Andrew was born in Bavaria, and that all died in Willshire. [1]
[1] “Ohio, County Death Records, 1840-2001,” index and images, FamilySearch (http: : accessed 23 February 2015), Ella Nora Roehm, 10 September 1901; citing Van Wert County, Ohio, Deaths, Vol. 2: 185, from FHL microfilm 1015858.
We went to school with the Roehm kids. Now we know who Eleanor was named after. She was a good friend of our sister, Martha. Martha dated their only brother Elmer in high school and we were glad when they broke up as he wasn’t always kind to her. (Big sister’s thoughts) There were several sisters in the family – pretty red-heads. Always nice girls.
I also remember they were very pretty.