I continue with the letters my dad wrote home during his basic training at Fort McClellan, Alabama. It was late in the summer of 1944 and at that time he was in Company A, 12th Battalion, 8th Regiment. Postmarked Fort McClellan, AL, 20 Aug 1944, 11:30 p.m., to Mr. & Mrs. Carl Miller, RR#1 Willshire, …
Tag: WWII Letters
Oct 20
Dear Mom & All–WWII Letters from Herb (part 2)
Continuing on with the letters my dad wrote home during his induction and basic training. My dad, Herbert Miller, was 18 years old in 1944 when he volunteered for the draft. He had graduated from Willshire High School the year before. He spent 2 days at Fort Hayes, Columbus, Ohio, for his pre-induction physical in …