Category: WWII

A WWII Paratrooper in the Family

This is a very patriotic time of year. In addition to Memorial Day and Independence Day, D-Day and Flag Day fall between those two well-known Federal Holidays.

More About the Otterbein Sixteen

The WWII generation is often referred to as the Greatest Generation and I certainly believe that to be true. Those from that generation were smart, hard-working, good, brave, patriotic citizens who put their love of country and freedom before themselves.

Tombstone Tuesday-Pvt. Edgar F. Schumm

This is the tombstone of Edgar F. Schumm, located in row 3 of Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Schumm, Van Wert County, Ohio. The marker is inscribed:

PVT. Edgar F. Schumm
Died in battle at Montigny,

Dear Mom & All–WWII Letters from Herb (part 22)

My dad, Herbert Miller, was trained as a replacement troop during the fall of 1944. After he arrived in Europe he was assigned to Company L, 333rd Regiment, 84th Infantry Division. The 84th was known as the Railsplitters. He fought in the Battle of the Bulge in Belgium and later in parts of Luxembourg, Germany, …

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Dear Mom & All–WWII Letters from Herb (part 10)

Below are some more letters that my dad, Herbert Miller, wrote home while he was at his basic training at Fort McClellan, Alabama. It was late in the fall of 1944 and he was in Company A, 12th Battalion, 8th Regiment there. He was nearly finished with his basic training and would soon come home …

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